Difference between Anatomy and Morphology

Anatomy and morphology are both the branches of biology and medicine. These two areas of sciences are very closely related with each other. Anatomy is a section (subdivision) of morphology, but there are some more differences between them. It is important for any science enthusiast to know the differences between these two most discussed branches of biology.

Morphology deals with the study of relationships of organisms’ structures, while anatomy deals with the study the structures and organs themselves.

Morphology is one among the main subdivisions of biology, but anatomy is its section.

The physical features biological structures like skin tone, shape, colour and overall size etc are studied in morphology, whereas anatomy revolves around the tissue and cellular level consumption of the biological structures.

Morphology of the structures play vital role in identifying the physical forms of those organisms’ structures. Anatomical surveys, meanwhile, focus on the formation and development of the structures of organisms.


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    The term morphology is a combination of two Greek words, i.e. “morph” means form or shape and “ology” means “The study of a specific thing.” Therefore, Morphology deals with the “study of appearance and structure of organisms.” It studies the specific structural features of the organisms. Moreover, it deals with the relationships in the structures of a particular organism or among organisms.

    The biological structures of living things are thoroughly studied under this main branch of biology. The external features of the living things like shape, colour, rigidity, size and other physical properties are also studied in morphology. Comparative Morphology, Functional Morphology and Experimental Morphology are the three main sub branches of morphology.

    Image Courtesy: tutorvista.com

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    Anatomy is derived from a Greek word “Anatome,” meaning dissection. It deals with the “study of shape, structure and internal features of an organism.” This branch of science comprises of animal anatomy (zootomy), plant anatomy (phytotomy) and human anatomy. It is then subdivided into macroscopic anatomy (gross anatomy) and microscopic anatomy.

    Biological structures, including living thing and their parts, are studied under this branch of biology.  Besides science enthusiast, anatomy has great importance for the fitness instructors in weight training as it helps in understanding the relationship between joints, bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments etc.

    Image Courtesy: frog-life-cycle.com

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