How to Deep Condition Your Hair Properly if You Are a Black Female

For many people, deep conditioning appears to be a simple thing to do, spot on? It involves applying a small amount of conditioner on the hair and waiting for few minutes before rinsing, and there you have it, right? If you also think the same way, then you are mistaken, as this is not the correct way of deep conditioning. It is essential to deep condition in the right manner, in a bid to restore moisture on your glands.

For instance, take a slightly worn and cracked canvass and start putting as much paint as you want. When you are done, you will still find cracks and splits on the canvass when the paint gets dry. Same example applies on your hair. It does not matter how good you apply your hair products, they will still look dry and rough if you do not condition them well in the first step. In addition to that, they will also start breaking if you do not take proper care of them.

To analyze whether you are doing the right thing, just check your hair after you deep condition them. If you find them greasy and buttered, then you have every reason to get happy, as you have done it in the right way. Otherwise, you really need to know what things you should take care of while you deep condition your hair.


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    Analyze your hair’s requirements properly as different products offer different levels of moisturisers and the time needed for the whole process can vary from person to person. When you are done with assessing you hair, select the proper product that suits your hair well. Moreover, you can also consult your hair stylist, just to make sure that the chosen product does not interfere with your hair colour treatment.

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    Take shampoo and wash your hair properly. Rinse and dry them using a towel. Make sure you absorb all the excessive moisture from your hair before deep conditioning them.

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    Now put some amount of conditioner on your palm. You must consider the length of your hair before using the amount of conditioner. For average sized hair, one can use one quarter of palm full of conditioner. Distribute the conditioner on your hands by rubbing them together.

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    Starting from the hairline, apply the conditioner to all parts of your hair. You can then use comb to evenly distribute the conditioner on your hair. If needed, you can use more conditioner to be applied to the tips of the hair.

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    Now massage the scalp gently and allow it to absorb in your hair. The time needed will be mentioned on the instructions available on the conditioner bottle.

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    Rinse well before combing your hair and creating a hairstyle.

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