How to Do the Psychic Prediction Card Trick

This particular type of mental card trick requires a performer and a spectator as it goes in case of many other card tricks.  Basically, this trick involves a prediction made by the performer, while the spectator is informed about that prediction made. The performer then tells the spectator that if for instance he has predicted Queen of Diamonds, he will come up with two cards including a Queen and a Diamond from different suits. Thereafter, performer asks the spectator to give any number starting from 1 to 50 such that the number is not less than the number 2. Once the spectator gives the number, performer deals that many cards on the table dividing them in two piles. As the top two cards from each pile will be picked, they will those predicted by the performer. This is a simple card trick that can be played knowing a few simple tips.


  • 1

    Start up the performance by giving the deck a number of cuts so as to make the spectator feel that you have placed all the cards at random.

  • 2

    Glimpse the two cards at the top of the deck while shuffling like for instance one is the Queen of Spades and the other just above it is 5 of Diamonds. Remember that your prediction will be based on these two cards.

  • 3

    Now as you know the two top cards, make a prediction to the spectator by telling him that you have chosen Queen of Diamonds and you will come up with a Queen and a Diamond from a different suit.

  • 4

    Ask the spectator to give you a number from 1 to 50 such that the number is more than 2. For example the number is 23. You take first 23 top cards on the table and put rest of the deck aside. Now the top 2 cards that you glimpsed are at bottom.

  • 5

    Now, deal the 23 cards, i.e. make two piles placing them one by one with their faces down till you have placed all the cards on table. Here the two cards that you glimpsed earlier will be lying at the top of each pile.

  • 6

    As the prediction was about Queen of Diamonds, so when you will flip the two cards on the top of each pile, they will come out to be Queen of Spades and the other 5 of Diamonds.

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