How to Do the Three Card Match Card Trick

The Three Card Match Trick is another interesting and simple kind of Self-Working Card Tricks. As is usual with many other tricks, there needs to be a performer as well as a spectator. The performer of the trick asks a spectator to shuffle the deck, and once the deck is shuffled, the performer takes a glimpse of the top two and one bottom card. After that, the performer makes a prediction for three same cards of different suits and comes up with them after making a few moves. This trick is totally self- working and does not necessarily require any skill or smartness.


  • 1

    Shuffle the deck thoroughly so your audience knows that the cards are placed at random.

  • 2

    While shuffling the cards in front of the audience,  glimpse at the top two and one bottom cards.

  • 3

    Once you spot the three cards, look for other three cards of the same type (different suits) in the deck and isolate them from it.

  • 4

    After separating the three cards from the deck, tell the audience that you have made the prediction and now you will take out three cards of the same type but from different suits.

  • 5

    As you make the prediction, hand the deck over to the spectator and tell him to flip over about two third of the deck and put it on the table.

  • 6

    Once again ask the spectator to cut the deck going about two-third, but this time tell him not to flip over the deck.

  • 7

    Finally combine both parts of the deck together by putting the face down part on the face up part, such that the cards facing up are not visible.

  • 8

    Finally pick up the deck and in three intervals place the face up cards on one side and face down cards on the other. As you flip over the top cards on three piles, they will match those already placed on the table.

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