How to Do the What’s On Your Mind Card Trick

This is a simple card trick that involves a performer along with a helper or spectator. A performer deals a certain number of cards such that there are 3 rows and 4 columns with cards that have their faces up. Now the performer will ask a spectator or helper to select a card out of those placed in front of him. As the spectator selects a particular card, he will be asked about the column or row in which the chosen card is present. The performer picks up the card again by keeping all other cards below the row in which the chosen card is present. When 3rd time the spectator will tell about the row in which his card is, it will be pointed out by the performer.
As you start the performance, deal around 12 cards with their faces up, such that in total there are four rows and three columns.
After dealing the cards, ask the spectator to select a card out of those placed and tell you in which row or column the card is present. Let us suppose the card is chosen from the middle column.
Once you are aware of the column where the chosen card is located, pick up the cards again, starting from the middle column, ensuring that the particular column is at the top when cards face up.
Repeat the same procedure and again deal the cards, once more asking the spectator to tell you the row or column of the chosen card. Suppose this time it is the 3rd column.
Again deal the cards with their faces up and ask the spectator to tell you the location. If the spectator says that it is in the middle column, then it will be the first card in that column.