How to Make Tinted Lip Balm at Home

Lip balm, also known as lip salve, is basically a glossy/waxy substance that is applied to lips in order to soothe their dryness and give them a fresh look. This magical beauty product creates a protective layer on your lip surface, sealing the moisture on your lips to keep them soft and hydrated. Now a days, tinted (colored) lip balms are available in the market which not only provide your lips a hint of cool color, but also smell pleasant. However, you can make tinted lip balm at your home as all of its ingredients are inexpensive and easily available at your nearest market. Vaseline is the major ingredient of the tinted lip balm, which moisturizes your lips and gives them a glossy touch.
The given below simple steps will guide you how to make your own tinted and flavored lip balm at home:
Things you will need to make a tinted lip balm at home:
– An old or broken lipstick
– A pot of Vaseline
– One empty lip balm pot
– One large metal serving spoon or metal ladle
– One teaspoon
– One lip brush
– Refrigerator
Assemble all the mentioned materials to carry out the lip balm making process smoothly.
Grab a small empty lip balm pot and place about a handful of original Vaseline in it.
Gently cut a dab of the old or broken lipstick with a spoon and add it to the lip balm pot. However, you can use a fresh lipstick as well, if you do not have an old one.
Pick a small lip brush and mix the Vaseline and lipstick until combined properly. You can also use your index finger for this purpose.
Place the lip balm pot’s lid at the top, cover it tightly and place it in refrigerator for approximately 30 minutes to chill well before use.
Take it out after 30 minutes, put it on your lips with finger or lip brush and enjoy!