How to Prevent Juvenile Delinquency in London

Every one residing in London has faced the problem of juvenile delinquency at one point or the other in their lives. From parents to children, to teachers and neighbors, and even bystanders! According to Wikipedia, Juvenile Delinquency, “… also known as juvenile offending, or youth crime, is participation in illegal behavior by minors (juveniles) who fall under a statutory age limit.” Although, the statistical number of cases of juvenile delinquency in London do not have an official stamp, but it is still a high number. Many programs have been introduced to minimize the curb this menace called juvenile delinquency, but it is a collective effort and effort should be put in on an individual basis as a parent/guardian to keep our children from going astray.


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    Because juvenile delinquency is a result of a broad spectrum of issues, the prevention techniques have to be comprehensive as well, starting from schools to households.

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    Keep your child busy in healthy activities; like going to school and playing sports. It is imperative that you stay adamant about his/her attendance in school and encourage him/her on getting good grades.

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    Keep the kids under your supervision. However, don’t tighten the noose around too much. This will make them feel suffocated and find outlets to lash out, indirectly working FOR the cause of juvenile delinquency. Remember; they’re children. Not animals.

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    Establish a relationship of trust and understanding. Be a friend and a counselor to the children, so they can feel at ease in discussing problems with you.

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    Inform the children about the negatives of drugs. Prevent your children from turning into drug addicts, because then it starts a vicious, unbreakable chain of causation leading to crimes.

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    As mentioned, involve the child in healthy activities like sports or community service. Teach the traits of a responsible citizen who has high moral values.

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    Know other kids who your child hangs out with. If you are informed about his friends, you will know what they are capable of. Peer pressure can be both, positive and negative.

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    If, unfortunately, your child has become addicted to the use of drugs and, resultantly, started committing juvenile delinquent acts, then besides working on his counseling, the first step that needs to be taken is admit him into a rehabilitation center. Some of them based in London are mentioned below;

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    Visit Addiction Advisor’s website.
    Visit Promis’s website.

    Visit Teen Challenge London’s website.

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    Furthermore, the website of Rehab Helper will help you find other rehabilitation centers in London.

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