Termination of Employment Letter

Termination of employment letter is one of the most common correspondence means in business writing. Nearly every employer has to deal with the situation where his/her employees face termination in the course of their employment, although the reasons may vary case to case.

Start the first paragraph by informing the recipient that he/she is being terminated. Mention the date from which the termination will take effect. It is good to briefly mention the reason why the decision of termination was taken, but you can also ignore it according to the case and mention it in the following paragraph.

In the second paragraph, you can tell the reader the organization enjoyed working with him/her, and the decision of termination was taken due to some uncertain events.

Conclude the letter by expressing your regret over the termination once again, and inform him/her that all the entitlements will be given to him/her according to the employment agreement.


  • 1

    Sample Termination of Employment Letter

    Stephen Cork
    Director Human Resource
    AZ Company Limited,
    Williams Road,
    London, United Kingdom 234298

    January 09, 2012

    Nick Carter
    C-5 Street 6, New Sidbury Avenue,
    London, United Kingdom 243568

    Dear Mr. Nick,

    I would like to inform you that your employment with the AZ Company Limited will be terminated effective February 01, 2013.

    We enjoyed working with you throughout your employment, however, due to some uncertain economic conditions and suspension of one of our production units led us to adopt cost cutting.

    The human resource department will provide you with all your entitlements after you have received this letter.  We once again thank you for your hard work and commitment to your job with us.

    Stephen Cork

  • 2

    Template Termination of Employment Letter

    (Employer name)
    (Employer position)
    (Company name)
    (Company address)
    (City, state, country, postal code)


    (Employee name)
    (Employee home address)
    (City, state, country, postal code)

    Dear Mr. ____________,

    It is with great regret that your employment with the _______________ is being terminated effective __________.

    It was great working with you as the both the company and you gained a lot, however, due to some financial problems, we had to take this decision.

    The human resource department will provide you with all your entitlements. We once again express our regret for the decision we had to make, but will appreciate your valuable services for us.

    (Employer name)

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