About Velodrome London

For track cycling, the management of Olympics 2012 has built Velodrome, right after its inauguration it was handed over to the LOGOC, to make relevant variations for the prestigious event. Venue is beautifully constructed; 180 degree bends on the ceiling takes no time in grabbing attention. Constructors have sensibly built the structure, by keeping in mind the ventilation system; due to perfect construction there is no need of AC in the venue. Spectators sitting at any spot will be able to view the entire arena. Besides cycling during XXX Olympiad, basketball matches will also take place in a separate zone, constructed with in the building. Velo Park which is the surrounding area of Veldorme, is spacious enough to endow every possible facility to the visitors as well as the athletes.


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    In the year 2008 venue’s construction was started. After three years in February 2011, Veldrome’s formation was completed. But it was handed over to the LOGOC, so that they can make some additional changes for the big event, London Olympics 2012. Few structures along with facilities were installed by the management. It has been seen that among all new constructed venues of Olympics, Veldrome’s building is considered having the most justified design along with construction. Every material used in the construction, especially wood is of high quality, because it has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. The arena is built on permanent basis, after the games it will be used for various other sports activity (related to cycling).

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    What's inside the London Olympic Stadium?

    With the capacity of 6,000 seats, the indoor cycling track is built, covering 250 meters. Besides availability of the track, a bike workshop is also present there, which is capable enough to resolve any possible technical issues. Along with changing room, gyms are also present with in the arena. Rooms for meetings, seminars and conference, toilets and cafes are available.

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    After the Games:

    After the games, more provisions will be added in to the venue in order to make it a perfect place for elite athletes, as well as for the local community. It is decided to add a bike cycle workshop and a café so that the management can make London as the cycling capital of the world.

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    Operational Hours:

    Opening and closing time of the building depends upon timetable of the sessions taking place during XXX Olympiad.

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    London Borough of Newham, London E15, United Kingdom

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    How to Contact:

    Currently if you need to contact stadium for the purpose of booking, advertising, or any sort of inquiry, then send your mails on the address mentioned below, addressing the London Legacy Company:

    Email: info@londonlegacy.co.uk

    For sponsorship this email address can be used, sponsorship@londonlegacy.co.uk

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    How to Get There:

    By Tube:

    In total 28 minutes pedestrians will be able to wrap up 1.4 mile distance between Veldrome Stadium and Stratford transit station. You will have to initialize your march on the Great Eastern Rd/A112, but after covering 0.1 mile, head towards the Angel Ln/A112 and keep on walking until 0.5 mile distance is not covered. After heading towards the Temple Mills Ln, walk for 0.5 mile more. Take the last right turn and you will reach at your destination. For further information take help from this Link.

    By Bus:

    Chobham Road (Stop L) is present quite near to the Veldrome Stadium. In order to get dropped at your desired location take route number 308 from the Lea Bridge Bus Station.

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