10 Blogs About New York City

There are thousands of blogs being written from inside the boundaries of New York City. They feature a number of different writing styles and touch on a variety of topics. New Yorkers blog about food, they blog about sports, they blog about their neighborhood, and pretty much else you can think of. Here is a guide to 10 such New York City blogs, a bit of something for everyone.

Cityrag – This is a pop-culture blog that also deals with many topics relating to New York City. It often has photos of movies currently being filmed in the city and shares details of where the photos are from so you can go check out the set yourself. There is a fantastic collection of photos of graffiti and street art from all around New York City, and a section of photos taken of New York from all over the city. Before the start of the weekend, Cityrag lists some fun things to do.

Curbed – The sub-heading of this site is “The New York City Neighborhoods and Real Estate Blog, and that’s exactly what it’s about. Curbed chronicles the recent developments in neighborhoods, like fancy hotels being built in the Lower East Side and new grocery stores popping up in Union Square. This can also be a helpful site if you are looking for apartments.

Gothamist – Gothamist blogs about the entertainment of New York City. It lists fun things to do around the city (the free concerts at McCarren Pool on Sundays), has interviews with local entertainers (comedian Mike Birbiglia), and local news (a photo of Boy George picking up garbage in the city). It also posts general New York news.

New York Brain Terrain – This is a blog, by Michelle of Brooklyn is filled with stuff to do that will challenge your mind. The best thing about this blog is the extensive list of links on the left side of the page. There are links to literary-related things such New York City book stores, libraries, and writing groups, and links to arts and cultural event listings.

Hotel Chelsea Blog – The famed Hotel Chelsea is well known for its creative guests that have called it home. The posts on the blog reflect the the hotel and are about the types of things that residents would be interested in, art and music especially.

Bankers Ball – This blog is “Where Bankers Come to Party,” and is written by and for Wall Street types. Most of the postings on this blog are links to banking-related stories, though you can find other helpful things on here such as computer tips and sites to read while you are bored at work.

The Girl Who Ate Everything – This is a food blog written by a woman eating her way through New York City. The posts on this blog are particularly thorough and thus a great source of information. Photos of the food and places talked about are posted with the entries. Lovers of all cuisines should check this site out, as many different types of eateries are reviewed.

NYC Educator – This New York City blog, written by an ESL teacher focuses on education in the city. It includes lots of the UFT union news and news regarding the NYC public school system. There are links to many teacher/education related sites on the right side of the blog.

Everything NY – This is a blog that lists cultural events around the city. it also contains snippets of New York City themed news including a recent post on the history of Florent, a meatpacking district restaraunt and instructions on how to download an NYC subway map onto your iPod.

NY Giants football news – This blog, written by a fan, is devoted to the New York Giants of the NFL. It includes links to news about the team and observations written by the blogger himself. On the bottom of the page there was a posting about all the Giants-related items you could bid on on Ebay. This was the first time I’ve seen this feature on a blog.

Whatever your interests may be, there is surely a blog about New York City out there for you. If none of these blogs interest you, you may find something else by clicking on the links that are supplied on these sites. On many of them there’s a special NYC blog section, so you can start there.

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