10 Fabulous Frugal Living Articles

Budget Visits to London
London can be an expensive place to visit but there are ways to save money and stay within quite a small budget by planning in advance and, when you arrive, knowing how and where you enjoy the attractions the city has to offer but without paying outrageous prices to do so.
Grow Fruit and Vegetables in Small Spaces
Even if you only have a tiny yard or maybe just a small balcony, you can still grow an amazing variety of fruit and vegetables ranging from herbs and tomatoes right up to potatoes and fruit trees. Here are some suggestions for what to grow and how to grow it in a small yard or garden, on a balcony or roof garden.
Fall Recipes for Garden Produce
What could be better than using your own garden produce. The busiest time for this is usually late summer and early fall when you can feel like you’ll never catch up with all the apples, tomatoes, courgettes, runner (stick) beans and other fruit and vegetables coming out of your garden.Why not try these recipes which taste good and some of them freeze well too? Better still, they save money.
Garage Sale 101
Never held a garage sale? Learn some of the basics to help make your sale a success in Garage Sale 101.
Garage Sale Advertising
A good (and inexpensive) advertising campaign can make or break your garage sale. Learn all about Garage Sale Advertising.
Garage Sale Pricing
Not sure how to price your garage sale items? Learn how to price your items to sell with our guide to Garage Sale Pricing.
Renters’ Rights: How to Recover Your Security Deposit
Renters have rights, too. Learn how to protect your security deposit from the start, and if necessary, How to Recover Your Security Deposit.
The Saving Grace of Saving
Why is an emergency savings fund so important to a successful budget or debt elimination plan? Learn The Saving Grace of Saving.
Three Ways to Simplify Your Banking
Take the hassle out of banking and add valuable time back into your life with these Three Ways to Simplify Banking.
Trimming the Fat
Reducing living expenses and finding more money in your budget doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s all a matter of Trimming the Fat.