10 Gifts for the Couch Potato Dad for Father’s Day

Does your dad spend most of his free time lounging on the couch while watching television? It’s hard to buy a Father’s Day gift for a couch potato dad, because all they seem to do is watch T.V., and the T.V. is pretty much Dad’s hobby, right? Well, if your dad fits this category you may consider buying him one or more of the following gifts, and I’m sure he’ll enjoy the gift(s); who knows, he just may enjoy it more than he does the television.

1. Everyone could pitch in together and buy dad a more comfortable chair – buy him a La-Z-Boy.

2. A voice remote control will do all of the hard work for dad.

3. Pitch in and buy dad a new television.

4. Even though dad may be a couch potato he may still enjoy a digital camera to take pictures of his loved ones.

5. Another gift I’m sure dad would enjoy is a video camera. Instead of still pictures he can have a video of his loved ones, and since Dad’s a couch potato he could watch his loved ones on television.

6. Does dad watch westerns, comedies, old movies, science fiction or etc…? Buy him some DVDs of his favorite genre.

7. DVD player.

8. Gift certificate for dad to use at the local video store.

9. Since Dad’s a couch potato he probably has a little table by him. Buy him a 5X7 photo frame and have a picture of all his kids and grandchildren (if he has grandchildren) put into the photo frame so he can place it on his table.

10. Does Dad like to enjoy a cold beer while he’s watching television? Buy him an insulted beer holder to keep his beer nice and cold, just the way he likes it.

If your dad isn’t much of a couch potato, or maybe he does have another hobby other than sitting in front of the television, I’ve written a few other articles with gift ideas for dads who love to golf, dads who love to fish, dads who love to write and others. Just click on my name to view all my articles.

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