10 Ideas for Home-Based Businesses You Can Start TODAY!

Are you looking for a home-based business you can start right away? One that doesn’t require leasing or buying a commercial building? A business that doesn’t require a high outlay of cash to purchase equipment, advertising, Worker’s Compensation Insurance, and other expenses?

When you think of a home-based business you can run yourself, you might think of providing daycare, cleaning and window washing services, or maybe lawn care. Many people have businesses such as these, and they make a decent living providing these types of services.

But there are other services you can provide. These businesses are not your “typical home businesses”, so you’ll have the advantage of less competition in whatever field you choose.

Here are ten home-based business ideas to get you started. None of these businesses require that you have a college education. These businesses can be started in just about any location. And, all ten ideas require only a small set up cost if you don’t already have the equipment you need.

1. Construct Crossword Puzzles- Do you love to figure out the crossword puzzles that appear in your daily newspaper? If you have fun working with words, then this might be the right home-based business for you!

All you’ll need to get started is a firm grasp of the English language, a puzzle maker software program, and a computer. A great program to start with is called CrossworksÃ?© by Homeware, Incorporated. This program helps you figure out how to create a puzzle from start to finish. In fact, after you have completed a crossword puzzle, CrossworksÃ?© will even run a check on it to make sure it’s complete. This program will also format your puzzle so it’s ready to print and send.

You can find the names of companies that purchase crossword puzzles and their guidelines by performing a search on the Internet. Or, you can check the current editions of crossword puzzle books for contact information.

Here’s an extra tip for you: The New York Times buys crossword puzzles for their newspaper, and they pay very well!

2. Gather and Sell Nuts- Don’t know what do with those hickory nuts in your yard? There are companies that buy chestnuts, hickory nuts, pecans, walnuts, et cetera. One of the best advantages about this home-based business is that you don’t even need to own an inch of land! Just ask your neighbors, friends, and family members if you can clean up the nuts in their yards or woods. Since nuts can be a nuisance lying in people’s yards, many people will be glad to let you clean them up for them. Once you find a supply, then you’re in business!

A mechanical nut collector will make the job easier. This piece of equipment is a hand pushed bin that’s mounted on a set of wheels. As you push a nut collector along the ground, the nuts are collected in the bin for easy removal. If you can’t afford to purchase this equipment right away, you can simply use a yard rake to do the job as well.

Finally, find a buyer for the nuts by checking your local yellow pages or by performing a search on the Internet.

3. Harvest and Sell Herbs- This home-based business requires that you have a knowledge of what the different types of herbs. You’ll also need to know when the best time to harvest each herb is. You can easily find this information at your local library or on the Internet as well.

Some health food stores purchase herbs such as Ginseng, Chamomile, and Spearmint. You may need a permit to harvest Ginseng, for example, but the handsome payout is well worth doing the paperwork.

Check your local yellow pages and contact several health food stores before you begin. Find out if they purchase herbs from private suppliers, what herbs they buy, and how much they pay. You can also look for buyers on the Internet.

4. Provide Genealogy Services- Many people are interested in the history of their family name, but they don’t have a clue on how to begin a search. If you
would enjoy being a detective of sorts, and you like digging into court documents, library records, and the like, then this could be the perfect business for you!

You can offer your services and provide customers with their family’s history, and make a decent living at the same time. A computer, a genealogy software program, and access to the Internet and to court and library records is basically what you need to get started.

5. Provide an Errand Running Service- Between work and family, many people find themselves trying to fit in errands before their day begins, during their lunch hours, or after work. It can be a hassle just trying to keep up!

You can start your own home-based business and help busy people out at the same time. Just decide how much you’re going to charge to run errands, then advertise your service in your local newspaper. Not only will busy working people contact you, but people who don’t drive a car, disabled persons, and senior citizens can also use your services as well.

6. Compile and Market Cookbooks- Anyone who cooks love a good cookbook! Especially if the recipes are easy to make and serve. You can use any word processing program and your computer to print up a cookbook to sell.

Where can you find recipes? Start off by using Grandma’s recipes that have been handed down over the generations. People love making old-time recipes that have withstood the test of time!

After your cookbook is completed, you can sell it at local shops. Or, you make put up your own website on the Internet and market copies. eBay�, which is probably the largest auction site on the Internet, would be a good place to sell your cookbooks at too.

7. Provide Home Inventories- You don’t usually think about it until you have to make an insurance claim because of fire, theft, et cetera. But, the fact is, everyone should have an inventory of their home and their personal possessions.

The best way to inventory belongings, besides having a written out list, is to use a camcorder to capture their images on tape. If you have a camcorder, you
can charge your clients a flat fee to make an inventory of their home.

All you need to do, is to set up appointments with customers. Then, walk through each house with the owner and have them describe their items as you document the items on tape. Once you have walked through the entire house, you give the camcorder tape to the customer and collect your fee! What could be an easier home-based business?

8. Become a Pet Caretaker- A friend of mine works a full-time job. She can always use extra money, though, and she loves cats and dogs. So, she has begun a part-time business as a Pet Caretaker. Usually she just feeds and waters people’s pets while they are on vacation or out of town for whatever reason. She charges so much per pet, per day. For example, if she takes care of Mrs. Jones’ two cats, then she charges her $5.00 per cat, per day. That might not sound like a lot of money, but multiply that fee by many customers, and the numbers increase dramatically!

9. Become a Digital Photographer- If you have a good quality digital camera, and the knowledge on how to use it properly, you can start your own home-based business today! There are many places and things you can photograph for profits.
Take family pictures, graduation photos, wedding pictures, and more! I know of at least one digital photographer who snaps beautiful pictures of people’s homes. Then, he enlarges the picture, frames it, and offers it to the owner’s of the home. You might be surprised at how many homeowners will gladly pay for such pictures, as long as they’re well done!

10. Start Your Own Home-Data Processing Business- As long as you have a computer, a printer, and maybe access to the Internet, you can easily start this business for yourself. You can type business reports, resumes, first drafts for authors, and a host of other documents.

Once you’re set up and ready to start work, place a small advertisement in your local newspaper. Also, check with friends, family members, and neighbors to see if they need work done. Or, maybe they can recommend prospective customers.

A final note, before you start any business, make sure you check with your local officials. Find out if you need a business license and any other legal paperwork before you begin so you stay within the boundaries of the laws.

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