10 Minute Emergency Cleaning Plan

If you’re like me, you don’t exactly love cleaning. In fact, you might even despise it and may even put it off until you absolutely have to, right? But let’s say that some friends that you haven’t seen in ages (and want to see) call to say that they’ll be over in about 10 minutes and your house is a complete and utter mess. Heck, let’s be honest. It looks like a pig sty and although you want to see them, you don’t want them to see your house this way.

Do you throw up your hands in desperation and then faint or have a panic attack? Do you feign a headache? Do you call them back pretending to have an emergency so that they can’t come over? Or, do you bite the bullet and get it done?

Well, I’ve got great news for you. You can get it done. You can successfully clean your home in 10 minutes or less and your guests will never even know you implemented the 10 minute cleaning plan. Sound promising? You bet. This plan has worked for me numerous times and it can work for you too. So, sit back, relax and get ready to learn the 10 minute cleaning plan.

First of all, don’t panic. If you spend all your time stressing out and feeling frustrated then you never will get anything done. Instead, you have to put yourself in a good mental place, calm down and take a deep breathe. Instead of stressing out, you have to remain calm so that you can be productive in your cleaning efforts.

Second, you have to work quickly and efficiently. You don’t have time to pussy foot around; you have to get that cleaning done quickly. Here are some suggestions:

Third, grab a huge laundry basket or empty trash can so that you can throw stuff in it. If you live in a two story home, you might need a basket for every floor.
(45 seconds)

Fourth, run through your main rooms and throw anything that looks out of place into the huge laundry or empty trash can. For instance, you can throw books, loose papers, magazines, old food, children’s or pet toys, etc. Just work quickly. (2 minutes)

Fifth, throw the basket into the laundry room or a hidden closet and close the door. Just don’t put it in a highly visible place or else your guests will learn your secrets. (15 seconds)

Sixth, burn a scented candle or spray vacuum free carpet freshener all over the floor. Since time is an issue use vacuum free carpet freshener so you don’t have to vacuum. Note: If you have a Roomba (a small vacuum that does the work for you), turn that bad sucker on and let her do her job. (1 minute)

Seventh, empty all the garbage cans in the house. (1 minute)

Eighth, grab the window cleaner and some furniture polish and quickly clean up the living room (or room where you’ll entertain your guests). Don’t worry about any of the other rooms in the house as you’ll only entertain in the clean room. (30 seconds)

Ninth, close all the doors to any rooms that aren’t clean, especially your children’s rooms. (30 seconds)

Tenth, quickly clean up the guest bathroom and make sure that the sink is clean. (1 minute and 30 seconds)

Eleventh, put on some soothing and relaxing music. (1 minute) and dim the lights so that no one can see any remaining dust and grime. (30 seconds)

Finally, you have to change clothes and relax. This way, when the guests arrive, you won’t be out of breath from running around like a cleaning maniac and you won’t look like you just completed a marathon cleaning marathon. Plus, you won’t smell like cleaning products either.

In conclusion, cleaning your house can be a chore. However, if you implement the 10 minute cleaning plan, you can rest assured that you can clean up quickly and efficiently. All you have to do is follow the plan and let it work for you!

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