10 Reason Why Yoda Rules: A Look at the 900-Year-Old Jedi Master

Standing only 2 feet 2 inches tall, Yoda may not be the largest Jedi Master, but he certainly is the coolest. Little is known about his early years, no one is even sure what type of creature he is or where he is from. It is speculated that he achieved the rank of Jedi Knight at age 50 and Jedi Master at age 100. At the end of his Jedi training, it is said that Yoda entered into 100 years of self imposed solitude spending this time gaining a better understanding of the Force. Here are 10 reasons why Yoda rules:
10. He places verbs after the object and subject. Some examples would be, “begun this clone war has” and “when 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not”.
9. He has mastered all 7 forms of lighsaber combat. This is one Jedi you don’t want to meet up with in a dark alley.
8. His cane doubles as a snack. It is a little known fact but Yoda’s gimer stick cane was in fact a gift from the Wookies and contains nutrients that can sustain him.
7.His voice sounds like Frank Oz. How can you not rule when you sound like the voice of the guy that also voices Bert, Grover, and Cookie Monster on
Sesame Street
. Not to mention was best pals with a guy named Jim Henson.
6.He is rumored to be a vegetarian. Though it is not known for a fact, Yoda has never been seeing eating animals, only roots and vegetables. It is believed he has a very strong empathy for all living things he feels through the force.
5.He is able to lift large items such as star ships with his mind as seen in The Empire Strikes Back.
4.He has the ability to see into the future. Using his Jedi powers, Yoda can not only see into the future he can sense others’ futures as well.
3.900 years old but does not look a day over 100
2.He can weld a lighsaber better than anyone, as seen in his epic battle with Count Dooku in Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
1. He is Green, what more can be said, he even out ranks the former top green guy Kermit the Frog
For those of you who wish to learn more about why Yoda rules, please watch Star Wars Episodes 1-6.