10 Reasons to Homeschool Your Kids

1. You will actually know your kids as well as what they are learning and what they are doing.

2. You will have primary input into what they learn, when they learn it and what the pace is. Is your child a morning child or a sleepy head? Do they concentrate best at 9 AM or after lunch? Do they have off days where they need a break without feeling like a failure? Do they need frequent play breaks without feeling like a hyper child who needs medication?

3. You will be able to be the supportive, invested teacher that most people dream of finding for their kids. No shame based discipline; no need for crowd control strategies. No need to hide their intelligence for fear of being considered an outcast.

4. You will able to facilitate their socialization, guiding it in constructive directions rather than puppy mill style where kids are acculturated into a gang like mentality and generally end up only equipped relate to kids within one year of their birth date.

5. You will be able to expose your kids to hands on and in-situation learning experiences that a classroom teacher may ardently desire to do but simply does not have the flexibility or time to do.

6. Going beyond the basics, you can tailor your kid’s education to who they are, capitalize on their strengths and interests, let them try new things without fear of failure, pursue their interests and challenge them in ways that a teacher in a group setting cannot.

7. Your educational setting will be free from bullying, alcohol, drugs, sex, and the related peer pressure (presumably).

8. You will be able to fit the required content into a couple of hours per day and have plenty of time for fun, projects, trips, exposure to the outdoors, the arts, internships and more. The real instructional time in schools is actually quite minimal (especially in elementary school). It will take you a fraction of the time that kids spend within the school walls. Think of the opportunities that provides for you and your kids!

9. You will not have to stick to the typical school calendar. Want to take your family vacation in the Winter? Want to do 4 day school weeks or hold class afternoons and evenings? Does your spouse have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off but works the weekend? Guess what�you can home school Thursday-Monday!

10. You can use the money you will save on the requisite faddish school wardrobe to take that getaway vacation you have been saving for.

WARNING: Homeschooling is a life style choice. Your life will not be the same, nor will your kids. Be prepared for confident, intelligent, empowered kids and the experience of a lifetime!

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