10 Small Steps to Your Weight Loss Goals

Bathing suit season has once again crept up. Yet again it appears the New Year’s resolution to get a bikini bod has failed. Why is it so difficult to lose those last couple of pounds that hover around the outer part of the thighs and lower area of the tummy? How is it possible to work 40 hours a week and still shed the pounds? Alas, it can be done. All it takes is a little will power. And the best news of all is that it can be done while at work. Those weight loss goals can be reached before the cool crisp days of September descend upon us and there is only next summer to look forward to. Below are 5 simple steps to try during the daily 9-5 grind. .

1. Get UP! A desk job does not have to be a prison sentence. Walk around. Visit a co-worker, use a bathroom on another floor and take the stairs to get there and back. Take a walk at lunch and eat at your desk afterwards. Get up and stretch at least every half hour. A little bit of exercise at work goes a long way.

2. Avoid the office snacks. Its a co-worker’s birthday and someone brought in doughnuts. isn’t that nice? Not for your bikini body goals. Do not feel compelled to eat something someone brought in just to be polite. Explain you have already had breakfast and that although very kind, you are going to skip the doughnut. Another suggestion, bring in something healthy like a fruit or vegetable platter. Having a tasty, healthy option to snack on makes it a lot easier to bypass the bagel and doughnut table.

3. Skip the lattes. There is no doubt that a coffee break can help to break up a busy workday. However, choose a latte with a chocolate chip muffin for dunking and you are 700-900 calories in the hole before lunch. A great way to skip all the calories? Stick to a good old cup of coffee. Add in some skim milk and Splenda to sweeten it up a bit and you have got a great midmorning treat. Avoid the pastries and enjoy a granola bar brought from home to quell the midmorning munchies.
Think about all the money you will save to buy things like sunscreen and books for the beach.

4. Bring lunch. Brown bag your lunch and you can save 500-1000 calories a day. Going out to lunch can be a trap. Even a salad can have as many as 800 calories if you are not too careful. Add a glass of wine or mixed drink and a social lunch with friends turns into a calorie fest. It is great to be social at lunchtime, so get your co-workers to pack lunch too and take a trip to a nearby park to enjoy the outdoors and a healthy, nutrient packed lunch without all the hidden calories.

5. Walk right past that vending machine. It happens to the best of us. It’s 3:30 pm, your tired, your tummy is growling. Dinner is not for another 3 or so hours and the commute will only make you hungrier. The vending machine calls your name. You promise yourself you will make a good choice, but come to find that this particle vending machine does not have only healthy choice left. But you are starving. So you do it, you press E5 and a big bag sof Cheetos arrives at the door below. If only you had packed a snack. Packing a snack can omit this terrible part of the day. Try a half of a sandwich, piece of fruit and yogurt or bowl of cereal as an afternoon snack. It will take away the vending machine tempation and provide energy for the rest of the workday.

Try these steps tomorrow at work and see that soon you will no longer fear that bikini you bought with high hopes in mind.

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