10 Steps to Lower Your Utility Bills

Ã?· The basic idea of turn off things that aren’t in use is probably the best way to lower your energy costs. When you leave a room, turn off all lights and electrical appliances that aren’t being used. Consider using compact fluorescent light bulbs to replace your ordinary light bulbs. These bulbs last longer and use less energy than standard bulbs.
�· Consider lowering the temperature on your water heater. When doing laundry wash in cold water as often as possible. When using a dishwasher skip the dry heat setting, this is just wasted electricity.
�· Change your furnace filter faithfully every thirty days. A dusty filter causes your furnace to work harder. Install ceiling fans, they circulate the air and the air conditioning unit is less likely to kick on as often. Consider changing your thermostat a couple of degrees.
�· Put a couple of dry towels in your dryer with wet clothes, they help absorb the moisture and cut down on the run time of your dryer.
�· Appliances that are old and outdated may use more electricity than newer efficient models. It may be worth your money to purchase updated appliances.
�· Feel around your windows, if you feel any moisture cold air you may need to replace the windows. At the very least cover them with plastic so that your air and heat do not escape.
Ã?· Don’t let the water run unless you are using it. Personally I’ve been guilty of leaving a faucet running while I run to get something. This is wasteful and costly.
�· Consider purchasing a hot water heater jacket. They are usually around $10 to $20.00. This insulates the water, keeping it warmer with less work for your water heater.
Ã?· Use manual appliances anytime it is feasible. Instead of using the electric can opener, grab the manual one. Instead of using a mixer, use a wire whip. These simple steps won’t save you thousands, but they might save a couple of bucks if you use them frequently.
Ã?· Replace your outdoor flood light with solar lighting. The solar lights typically aren’t as bright as electric lights, but if you shop around you can find suitable lighting that will only cost the amount you paid for them, never a penny more in electricity.
By implementing some of these money saving ideas you may see a reduction in your power bills. We can all agree that the less we have to pay for our utilities the better off we are.