10 Tips Every Woman Should Know that Could Save a Life

Gone are the days when we could accept help from good Samaritans and walk to our cars without worry. Here are 10 things to keep in mind at work, school, and play.

1. Always park your vehicle facing out in case you need to leave in a hurry. Do not hesitate to request an escort to your vehicle when leaving work, school, or business.

2. If you have a flat tire in a parking lot, do not try and change the tire. Return to the store where you came from and call for help. If a garage cannot get to you within a reasonable amount of time, ask security to escort you to your car and wait while you change the tire. Attackers have been known to punch holes in tires then play the “good Samaritan” before attacking someone.

3. Carry your keys between your fingers like a rake. If you are attacked, use them on the attackers face. Be resourceful using whatever is available to defend yourself. Your knapsack, purse, shopping bags, etc., are all items that can be used. If you are being chased in a parking lot, touch as many cars as possible (without compromising your escape) as you run. More than ever, cars are rolling off the assembly line with alarms installed. Hitting cars to activate the alarm will draw attention and may scare off an attacker.

4. “Fender benders” were once considered innocent accidents but are now being used as a way of forcing women out of cars. If someone hits your bumper, particularly at night or in unlit areas, continue driving your car to the nearest police station. Use your cell phone to call police and tell them that you were in a minor accident; are traveling alone, and do not feel comfortable getting out of the vehicle. Criminals will purposely hit someone to make the driver get out making them more vulnerable for attack.

5. If while driving you suspect you are being followed, drive around the block making a complete circle. If the same vehicle is still behind you, drive to your nearest police station for help. If you have a cell phone, call the police while en route.

6. Never get out of your car to remove a flyer. Assailants will place a flyer on your car hoping that once you are in the car with the engine running, you will see the flyer and remove it. When doing so, your purse, bags, etc., are in the running car and you leave yourself open to having someone jump in and take off. If you get in your car and notice a flyer, forget it. You can remove it when you are safely in your driveway.

7. The elbow is the strongest point on the body so know how to use it if you ever need to defend yourself. Use the elbow to hit your attacker in their weak spots: including the face and genitals. It may not be the most comfortable thing to do, but it can save your life.

8. Do not run or walk alone, especially at night. No matter how “safe” your neighborhood is, grab a friend before hitting the pavement. Always tell someone where you are going and the expected amount of time you will be gone, and then stick to the plan. Personal alarms are great and should be carried everywhere. Cell phones are better; not only to call for help, but the GPS tracking system on most phones can pinpoint the location of the phone, when it is turned on of course.

9. When attending a party, never pick up an unattended drink, even if you know it is yours. Drugs known as “date rape drugs” (a.k.a. Rohyphol or ruffies) which are colorless, odorless and tasteless, can easily be added to your drink causing drowsiness, dizziness, headache, and more important memory loss, leaving you vulnerable to sexual assault. Know your limits when it comes to alcohol. Always have a designated driver and backup. If you find yourself stranded, call someone else. No parent or friend would mind if you wake them up to come get you.

10. Answering machines should have a generic message. Do not give out your name, number, or say you are not home. Simply state on your message that you cannot get to the phone and the caller should leave a message. Have a male voice record the message if possible. Do not make it obvious you are living alone. In addition, you should only list your first initial and last name in the phone book, if you list it at all.

These tips may seem extreme, however these are extreme times. Your life is more important then the small inconveniences you might have to endure in order to protect it. Take the time to incorporate this few tips, and teach them to your friends, maybe someday they will save their lives, or yours.

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