10 Tips for Establishing Good Eating Guidelines in Your Home for Kids

1. Don’t allow picky eaters. Simply tell them that what is served for dinner is the only option. This will help eliminate any picky eaters problems real fast. If they complain then explain to them that you aren’t a restaurant cook therefore you don’t do custom ordered dinners.
2. Make it a rule that everyone has to eat a little bit of everything that is served for dinner. You want them to get use to having to eat foods that they probably wouldn’t of have tried before. You want them to know that not everything tastes gross. This is important for kids so they become less picky.
3. Don’t tolerate any complaints unless someone is allergic to something that you serve. You shouldn’t have to tolerate any complaints from people who whine about something that tastes gross. You simply tell them that they should be glad that you took the time to make dinner for everyone. They need to appreciate that you cook dinner for everyone.
4. Make sure that people help you cook dinner. This will help eliminate most of the complaints since they will realize how long it took to make and cook the meal. You want them to be grateful that you cook dinner for them each night instead of having any complaints.
5. Teach the kids that they aren’t allowed to waste large amounts of food. Teach them not to waste food. They need to know that they should try to eat as much possible at dinner time. You want them to get use to a variety of different foods. Some kids love vegetables and other kids hates vegetables. You can always put cheese on the vegetables to make them taste better and kids love cheese on veggies.
6. Don’t put very many spices or sauces out on the table. You don’t want people to think it is okay to start adding spices to their food without a bit to taste it first. They need to realize that some cooks get offended if you start put sauces and spices on it without first taking a bit of see if it already tastes good.
7. You can tell them if they don’t like dinner then they go hungry for a little while. When they get hungry enough then eventually they will eat the food that is prepared for dinner. You want them to know that you won’t tolerate any whiners. If they think that you are being rude then tell them that they are being rude for being so ungrateful about the food that you cooked.
8. Make sure that the people help you set the table before dinner. They can help you wash the dishes after dinner. Let them realize how much work goes into making a meal and then they will also realize how much work it is to clean up after the meal too. This is a good learning experience for them.
9. Let every person have a chance to cook dinner every once in a while. This is a good learning experience so that they know how it is to make a big dinner for everyone. They will appreciate the food and understand how much time it takes. If you have a bunch of whiners in the house then make sure to have those people cook food more often.
10. Make sure that everyone eats green vegetables and other types of vegetables. It is a important that they learn to like many different vegetables. You can even cook vegetables in stir fry every once in a while to show them how different vegetables can tastes just by cooking them differently with different sauces.