10 Tips for Getting Back into the Work Force

10 Tips To Make Returning To The Work Force Easier
1. Before you even start looking at jobs openings, you’ve got to put together a resume. Do some internet research on a writing a resume. You’ll be surprised by how much resume writing has changed while you’ve been helping write papers on Christmas’ around the world.
2. Be sure to emphasize any volunteer work you’ve been doing, particularly if you’ve held leadership positions. Be just as detailed about your responsibilities as a volunteer as you are about your paid experience.
3. Don’t limit your search to ads in the paper or help wanted signs in windows. The internet is loaded with job listing sites. Contact your former employers. Let friends know you’re looking. If you meet someone new who asks what you do, tell them what you’re looking for.
4. Got a great skill or a consuming passion? Consider developing your own business. Again, the internet can be a great source for research into starting your business, as can the Small Business Administration. Bounce the idea off friends and have them give you feedback.
5. Before you go in for interviews, do some research on the company; know their business. Dress professionally unless you know for a fact that the company has adopted a more casual atmosphere. Even then, dress just a notch above to let them know you’re serious and a professional.
6. Employers are often so focused on getting younger employees they think will be willing to work for less, that they often overlook the wisdom of age, particularly if you don’t have the work experience to go with it. It’s almost a given that you will be asked what your strengths are. Use your maturity to your advantage. Point out that you are more likely to be responsible, reliable and stable. Likewise, you’re bound to be asked what you’re quickness’ are. Acknowledge that you haven’t been working for a while; it’s better than admitting that you’re likely to show up to work with peanut butter on your slacks.
7. Relax-if you’ve been living off one income for the past few years, there’s probably no rush to get one now. Go into interviews with the idea that it will be good practice, if nothing more. Be yourself and you’re much more likely to win them over.
8. Once you’ve gotten the job, getting yourself there daily and fitting back in become the tricky parts. Be very clear with your family about how your job will change things for them. Let them know what responsibilities you expect them to pick up-and make sure they handle them right from the start. If you let it slide for even a few days, it will be much more difficult to get your family to understand that you can’t do everything any more that you used to do. In the same way that you’ve probably been setting out your children’s clothes, backpack and lunch the night before, do the same thing with your things.
9. Be sure you know what the work “uniform” is and make sure you’ve got the clothes to dress appropriately. With so many businesses become “casual” these days, you may already have everything you need. If not, pick up a few basics that you can mix and match to get you started. Don’t carry in a box of things for your desk the first day. Don’t bring any personal items until you get the lay of the land.
10. You’ve gotten the mom thing down pat so it’s going to be tough to step back into a place where you are bombarded with new information. Don’t be too rough on yourself. Unlike your children, your employer understands that you don’t know the answer to everything right away. Don’t be afraid to ask questions-it’s probably a mantra you’ve been telling your children for years for good reason.
Take your time, have a plan and relax. You can do this!