10 Tips for Moving House on a Budget

There are many horror stories out there about moving from one home to another. Don’t let your move add to the pile by following these ten moving tips.

One: Change Your Address Information As Soon As Possible

Moving is costly enough without adding late fees or vital lost mail to your expenses. As soon as you know your moving date, start contacting your credit card company, insurance companies, utilities or clients of your new address and when it takes effect. Visit the post office and fill out all necessary change of address cards. Do you receive magazine or newspaper subscriptions? Contact the publishers so you do not lose any issues that you have already paid for.

Two: Cull Your Possessions

The more stuff you have to move, the more expensive your total moving cost will be. The further you need to move will make transporting your positions even more expensive. Be heartless when culling your possessions. If you don’t really need it, either toss it or give it to charity. Some charities will pick up your belongings. If you need a dumpster, contact local companies for quotes to reserve a dumpster as soon as possible.

Three: Collect Cardboard Boxes

The stress of moving drives most people to the liquor store – but not for drink. They’re there for the boxes. Cardboard liquor boxes are perfect for shipping many kinds of breakable items. Visit grocery stores to see if you can have cardboard boxes. Ask your friends and family members for any boxes. Only purchase large plastic totes if you have the room to store them at your new home.

Four: Get as Many Professional Mover Quotes As You Can

Reputable moving company schedules fill up quickly, so you need to get in touch with them as soon as possible. Ask your real estate agent, friends and family members for recommendations. When you do find a company, ask for references as well as a quote. Go online to the Better Business Bureau (or your country’s equivalent) and see if there are many complaints about that company. Never sign a blank check for a moving company.

Five: Use Public Storage Facilities

If you are moving a long distance away, need to move immediately and cannot afford to rent a moving truck, consider storing many of your possessions until you get a chance to bring them to your new home. Go to online coupon websites to find discounts and special offers for local storage companies. Using a storage company even for one month may help you get some elbow room to properly sort through your possessions.

Six: Mail Boxes of Items

This step is only practical for moving small objects long distances, such as to other countries. Mailing items may be cheaper than using a moving rental vehicle. Your moving company may offer to move you for less if you do not need them to move all of the rooms in your home. Be sure to get insurance for your packages.

Seven: Mark Boxes on All Sides

You’ll save a lot of time and aggravation now by taking the time to write the name of the room they go in on all sides of your moving boxes or totes. You never know which side of a box will face during packing and unpacking. Invest in a thick black magic marker or magic markers in different colors for different rooms. If you are using transparent totes, write the words on slips of paper and place inside of the tote.

Eight: Do Not Overestimate Your Driving Abilities

If you’ve only driven a sedan for 40 years, now is not the time to suddenly graduate to a larger vehicle. You will be too tired and harried to learn new driving skills. Let a professional drive. Also, be aware of how fatiguing a long car journey can be. Plan for plenty of rest stops. See if you can share driving duties during moving day.

Nine: Returning Any Rentals

If you do rent a vehicle, you must return it in the conditions that you rented it from. Contact the rental company immediately if there is an accident that damages the vehicle. Fill the tank with gas and get it back on time. Bothering to do all this now will save you large fees and penalties later on.

Ten: Getting Repairs for Less Money

Inevitably, there are going to be spills or minor repairs during a move. Check out discount or dollar stores for cleaning supplies and check online coupon websites for a plumbers or a professional repair company. Unless you are familiar with the particular home repair job needed, don’t try to do it yourself.


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