10 Tips on How to Manage Your Customer Information

It is important to manage your customer information properly in order to create less confusion and being more organized. It will be less of a hassle overall when you can find the customer information quickly by being organized. Here are ten tips on how to manage your customer information.

1. Input information into a computer database by name, telephone number, or even a street address. This will help make finding the customers information much more easy without the need to go through a large amount of files.

2. Make sure that you enter the customers information into the computer database without any spelling errors. It can make customers upset if you can’t find their file easy due to it not being spelled correctly. Make sure to always double check the first and last name of the person before you enter it into the computer. Don’t always assume the name is spelled exactly the same way as another individuals.

3. Record all transactions immediately including purchases too. If the customer has bought a warranty information on a product then make sure to enter that information onto the customer file. You want to include any other information such as what the customer has purchased just in case he or she has lost the receipt or needs a refund.

4. Make sure that the computer database is backed up each day. You don’t want to lose all the customer information due to a computer error or failure. Your business can purchase computer back up equipment for a reasonable price so there is no reason to not have one.

5. Don’t read off another individuals address off to another individual even though you might think they are them. You need to have the customer verify their own address and telephone number. Customers will be very unhappy if they find out that your business shares any private information that should be kept private.

6. When you are talking on the phone to a customer then please don’t read off their house address or telephone number including the individuals name. It may be tempting to read back the address or phone number just to make sure that you got the information correctly, but be aware of the other customers around you. You don’t want to give out the customers private information to people that have no right to it since they don’t work at the business.

7. Don’t talk to other employees regarding a customers information unless there is no other customers around in the business at the same time. You don’t want them to hear you telling another employee information regarding the customers name and address since it will not impress them.

8. Don’t discard papers into the trash can that has any customer information on it. You need to run those papers through the paper shredder before you discard the paper into the trash. You don’t want a stranger to see information regarding customer information so be careful about what you discard into the trash.

9. Make sure to update the customer database in order to get proper security updates that the software has available. This is important so that your customer database doesn’t have many security holes. You can check the name of the software company for any updates.

10. Have your customer database password protected with user names issued to each employee. This is important so you can tell which employee was logged into the customer database at certain times and to see which information was retrieved.

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