10 Tips on Legal Advertising Regarding Your Business

1. Don’t false advertise. Don’t offer a special price deal and then charge extra money despite the price deal. If you need to put a terms of conditions on the bottom of the ad with a little star by it so people notice it.
2. Don’t say that certain items or service are half price when they really aren’t. It is false advertising to claim that certain item is half price when you know for a fact that isn’t. Customers usually notice it when items don’t ring up as the correct price that it should be.
3. Don’t advertise a certain product with different colors and styles all on sale if really only a specific style is on sale. It is misleading and customers may be able to insist on getting the same price if an ad states that everything of that type of product is on sale.
4. Make sure to get the sale dates on the ads correct otherwise your business will most likely have to sell the product at that price on those specific days. Keep track of the dates closely.
5. Make sure to always have the correct price on items otherwise the customer will usually get the cheaper price on a item due to the company being in error. Customers often get cheaper prices on items that end up costing the company less profits.
6. On coupons make sure to put a terms of condition if you want to limit the use of the coupon to only certain days or certain stores in the area. This is another method where customers get items less than the original price.
7. If something is advertised as free, but really isn’t free then put a star by it with terms and conditions. If you don’t have any stars by the word FREE then the customer will have a case to get a product or service for free due to being misleading.
8. Have an attorney or someone who works in the legal field always look at the wording that you put on the terms and conditions. It is important for them to look at since some people view a word as meaning something different or sometimes it reads different.
9. Always double check your ads for any errors before printing the ads. It is important to check since it will save your company money.
10. Always have a copy of the printed ad at every cash register in the business. It is a good idea since the customer can’t tell you something different than what the ad states.