10 Tips on Raising Teens as a Single Mom

It is an important duty to raise teens to become responsible young adults and to help prepare them for college. Here are ten tips on raising teens as a single mom.

1. Let your teens know that they are always welcome to talk to you anytime no matter what time day or night. Teens needs their parents during the difficult years despite the bad attitudes.

2. Make sure that you keep communication with your teens. Be concerned when they stop talking to you for long periods of time. You want them to be open with you and able to talk to you about boys or even girls and any other issues going on.

3. They need encouragement to do well in school. Teenagers usually want the approval of their parents. They want to know that you are very happy when they get good grades in school.

4. Talk to your teens about sex, divorce, and drugs. You can even talk to them about birth control if they are willing to listen. This is important that your teens are informed about important issues regarding sex and drugs.

5. If you suspect that your teen is on drugs then make sure to have them take a drug test. Since they are a minor then you can just make up a reason for them to go to the doctor and have them take a drug test without them knowing the reasons. You need to be concerned if you find any drugs in your teens room. Don’t believe the old line that he or she was hiding it for a friend so they wouldn’t get in trouble.

6. Don’t punish them for being honest with you otherwise they will end up keeping secrets from you. You want your teens to be honest with you to help keep them out of trouble in school and to be aware of what is going on their in life.

7. You need to warn your teens about actions that can mess up a persons life for a long while. You want them to know that they shouldn’t do certain things otherwise they will be miserable later on in life. Let them know that drugs and sex is nothing to mess around with.

8. You need to stay in contact with their teachers to help your teen improve their grades to the fullest extent possible. You want to teach your teen the importance of doing well in school and being the best that you can be possibly.

9. You need to know who your teens friends are. Keep track of the friends that your teen has been hanging out with. You need to make sure the friends are a good influence on your teen. You don’t want your teen getting involved in the wrong group of bad friends.

10. Make sure that your teens tell you where they are going. You need to know when they are going to arrive back home. You need to verify that your teens are always being honest with you. You need to know that you can trust them.

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