10 Warning Signs that You Shouldn’t Get Married

Have you been having doubts about getting married? Do you think that you aren’t ready to get married? Read the ten warning signs that you aren’t ready to get married. It may help save you in the long run from money disaster and a costly divorce.

1. Do you and your partner have large amounts of debt? It isn’t a good idea to get married when you two have more debt than you can both can handle. Educational loans isn’t a bad type of debt since education enables you to make more money. If you both don’t care about bills or have terrible credit then it probably isn’t a good idea to plan a wedding before the debt is paid off. Be concerned if you and your partner have any spending problems with money or if you don’t don’t manage money very well.

2. Does you or your partner have any kids from a previous marriage? Take into consideration the problems that it will cause when you try to combine two families into one when getting married. Stepchildren can cause problems for stepparents due to behavioral problems along with other problems and being upset about their biological parents getting divorced.

3. Are you not able to deal with the ex wife or ex husband for many years? This is something to think about. Sometimes the new spouse is often harassed by the ex spouse. Things can get quite complicated sometimes. The ex spouse often will use the children against the new spouse and other problems often arise due to being jealous or sometimes hatred towards the other person.

4. Are you not happy with the way you and your partner are? Remember, you can’t change each other. It will make a person unhappy if you try to change certain behaviors within she or he. It will often cause resentment if you try to change each other. Make sure that you are happy with the person and don’t want to change anything about each other.

5. Do you and your partner not have the same goals? You usually need to have the same goals in order to make a marriage work. Sometimes partners grow apart due to going the opposite direction in life. You want to be with someone that you can work together as a team. People who don’t have very much in common usually get tired of each other eventually.

6. Do you and your partner don’t have the same religious beliefs? This is something to consider when you are having children. If you choose to have children then would the children go to your church or your partners church. This is something to seriously think about. You may think that it doesn’t matter, but later on it might cause a conflict.

7. Do you and your partner not like to do some of the same things together? This may be something to be worried about if you don’t like to do some of the same things together. It can cause you two to get bored of each other quickly. It is fine to have different interests in some things, but make sure that you two a few things.

8. Do you and your partner not have the same opinions about raising children? Do you agree on the same discipline methods regarding the children? Do you both want the children to be in public school or private school ? These are something that you need to agree on otherwise it will cause conflict later on.

9. Do you and your partner disagree on where to live at such as in the city or in the country? If you can’t compromise on this then you probably shouldn’t get married since you two would most likely be constantly unhappy.

10. Do you and your partner don’t make enough money to support each other? This is the most important. If you have to borrow money constantly just to pay the bills each month then you probably shouldn’t get married yet. Money is something that people need to make an average amount of otherwise couples end up struggling due to money issues.

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