10 Ways to Safely Use a Forklift

Accidents do happen.
It’s just the preventable ones that occur that are tougher to swallow. If you work inside of a warehouse or any other place that requires the use of a forklift, you may want to consider this checklist before use. I decided to take the liberty of conducting a forklift inspection list. This list will cover all the possible concerns that could endanger the operator or persons within the vincinity.
10 Warning Precautions to consider:
*Know your forklift – Do not operate this truck unless you have received thorough training and you are authorized to use it.
*Check your forklift – Forklifts should be checked on a daily basis before use.
(See checklist at bottom)
*Keep body inside at all times – Please do not attempt to place any part of your body within
the mast structure or between the mast and truck.
*Never overload – Don’t overload the forklift, check weight and capacity rules.
*Be visual of your surroundings – Be courteous to pedestrians by operating the forklift in a
safe and professional manner.
*Avoid sudden jerks/movement – Operate your forklift as smoothly as possible. Use precise
care when in use to avoid an overturn.
*Stablize your load – Try not to handle any loose or unstacked loads. Use special care when
Handling loads to avoid losing the load or striking pedestrians.
*Use work platform – Never lift pedestrians unless they are attached to a security harness.
*Please be certain to close down your forklift completely, never leave behind the key or leave
running with the key.
*Never allow or advise the use of the forklift to any particular persons who are not authorized
or have no experience using one.
Operator’s daily checklist
Visual Inspection
Check tire thread; wear, damage, nuts tight.
Head/Tail/Working Lights:
Check bulbs and if damaged, mounting, operation
Make sure guages aren’t damage, fully operation
Operator Restraints:
Inspect damaged, mounting, operation, check oil quality.
Warning Decals/Operator Manual:
Missing or not legible. Obtain one from manufacturer
Data Plate:
Check if missing or legible.
Overhead Guard:
Bent, cracked, loose, missing?
Load Back Rest:
Bent, cracked, loose, missing?
Bent, worn, stops OK?
Hydraulic Oil:
Level, dirty, leaks?
Fluid level, dirty, leaks?
level, leaks?
Connections loose, charge, electrolyte low?
Covers/Sheet metal:
damaged, missing?
Linkage loose, reservoir fluid level, leaks?
Operational Checkup:
Runs thorough, noisy, leaks?
Loose, hard to turn, leaks, operates properly?
Service Brakes:
Linkage loose, stops good?
Loose, needs adjusting?
Operates properly? (Please check, used to alert pedestrians)
Need replaced, damaged, operates effectively?
Loose/ drifting, leaks?
Mounting, damaged, operation, leaks
Battery Test:
Indicator in green while holding full forward tilt.
Control levers:
Loose/binding, freely
Directional Control:
Loose/Binding, find neutral.
A good forklift operator is one who’s professional and respects his/her surroundings!