10 Ways to Show Her You Love Her

Guys, let me tell you a secret that will have that special lady in your life falling all over you. Are you ready? Show her that you love her. Now, wasn’t that easy? Notice that I didn’t say “tell” her you love her. There’s a reason. Let’s face it, guys, saying “I love you” and showing that you love her are two completely different things. And I’m not talking about buying her flowers or candy on Valentine’s Day.
Women know the difference between words and actions. While you may think that saying “I love you” every so often means that you’re racking up points, unless you back it up with actions, she’ll start to realize your words are just empty and hollow. And that’s not scoring you any points at all.
So, you need to show her how much you love her. It doesn’t take a lot of work or energy either. Here’s a list of just ten things you can do today to show her how much you love her. It’s not a complete list – spend just a few minutes thinking about your wife or girlfriend and you’ll come up with a few special ideas all your own.
1. Write a love poem and leave it on her pillow. It doesn’t have to be a wonderful work of art. Even a quick variation on “Roses are red” will mean a lot.
2. Cook a special meal for her. Have it ready when she comes home from work. Make sure you fix her favorite food (you do know what that is, don’t you?) Don’t forget the candles.
3. Do the laundry. And don’t make a big deal out of it. In fact, don’t even tell her that you did it. She’ll notice and you’ll score big points.
4. Remember those special dates – birthdays, anniversaries – and surprise her on other dates. Send her a card for the day you first kissed or the anniversary of the first day you met. She’ll love that you remembered.
5. Spend 15 minutes when she gets home from work talking about her day. Give her the opportunity to share her experiences and frustrations. Make sure you listen and don’t try to fix the problems. She’ll appreciate your time and attention.
6. Leave a rose and a love note in her car so she’ll see it when she goes to work in the morning or stop by her work during the day and leave a note in her car so she sees it when she leaves at night. She’ll be impressed you went out of your way to do this.
7. Schedule a game night. Try something different and fun. Don’t just get stuck in the “dinner and a date” routine. Make sure you spend quality time talking together.
8. Share a romantic bubble bath together. Here’s another place where you don’t want to forget the candles. Not only is this incredibly romantic, but it’s environmentally-friendly, too!
9. Surprise her for lunch. Show up to work and “kidnap” her for lunch. Take her to a favorite restaurant or just pack a picnic lunch and go to the park.
10. Give her a back rub. She’s probably got a favorite lotion or skin cream. Use it. And don’t just do one of those superficial neck squeezes. Go all out on this one. Add a candle and this can become the start of a fabulous night of who-knows-what!
Taking time to show your special lady that you love her doesn’t take a lot of effort or creativity, but can be incredibly rewarding. She’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness and you’ll notice that the flame of romance will burn brighter.
The key to this is not to do something special just once and forget about it. Make surprising your love an ongoing activity.