10 Ways to Make a Girl Fall for you

When you look around you, you see yourself surrounded by beautiful couples enjoying the beauty of life and this world together. This sight would have definitely made you feel alone and sad. There is no way to get rid of this feeling of loneliness and sadness except to get a girl for yourself.

This, however, is easier said than done, or that is what the films and novels want you to believe. In reality, getting a girl to fall for you is not hard at all. There are just a few things that a person needs to do at the right moments in order to make a woman’s heart skip a beat and make her realise just how much she wants to be around you.


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    There is nothing that a girl likes more than honesty. A girl would definitely fall in love with you if you are truthful and honest. It is okay to lie about small things to keep her happy though.

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    Chivalry is something that never goes out of style. Bring out the gentleman in you and treat your girl like a lady. Open the car door for her, hold her chair as she prepares herself to sit down, etc.

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    Remember to respect the girl you like at all times, even when she is at her worst. Let her know that your respect for her is not temporary or forced, but is something genuine and ever-lasting.

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    Never keep a girl waiting. There is nothing a girl hates more than to be kept waiting, which is a bit ironic. If you have set up a date with your girl, remember to pick her up on time. It is okay if she is not ready by the time you arrive. Just sit down and wait for her patiently.

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    Love notes

    Love notes may sound a bit immature, but they really do work in sparking romance. Send cute, meaning love notes to the girl you like, expressing your feelings for her or reminding her just how beautiful she is.

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    Long walks

    Talking long walks with the girl you like will introduce you both to a new kind of intimacy. You two will find yourself becoming increasingly comfortable in each other’s presence and talking about stuff frankly.

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    Dinner dates

    Dinner dates is romantic and that is why it is so common. Take the girl you like out to dinner and make sure she knows that it is a date, not just a friendly outing. Dress up appropriately.

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    Girls love gifts and the girl you like is bound to be no different either. The price of the gift does not matter as much as the thought behind it.

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    Take good care of yourself. Make sure you shower and shave regularly. Make it a habit to wear a cologne or deodorant at all times. Wear neat and clean clothes.

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    Surprise the girl you like with something special. Either throw a surprise birthday party for her on her birthday, or buy her a cute little puppy, or buy her tickets to the concert of her favourite band.

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