15 Unique Uses for Vinegar

Who knew something so common (and so cheap!) had so many uses? Vinegar is a great item to have around your house that has many uses from cleaning to using it in your garden. By the way, remember that Brown Vinegar stains porous surfaces. I have found that the following tips, unless otherwise noted, are best used with white distilled vinegar. Make sure you use any type of vinegar carefully.

– Dab some vinegar on a mosquito bite. It will take the itch away.

– No one likes that grass that sticks out in between the cracks of the sidewalk. Pure vinegar will kill it.

– The night before a frost, coat your car windows with three parts vinegar to one part water.

– When you have hiccups, swallow a teaspoon of vinegar. It doesn’t taste very pleasant, but the hiccups will go away within a few minutes.

– To avoid leaving streaks when cleaning windows, use a mixture of equal parts of warm water and white distilled vinegar. Dry with a soft cloth.

– To get rid of any horrible refrigerator smells, put one cup of apple cider vinegar in a glass and leave for two days. After that the smells are gone.

– Get rid of potent onion odor by rinsing your hands with vinegar before and after handling an onion.

– For a cheaper way to clean your bathroom, use a spray bottle and put in one part vinegar to one part water. Spray and then immediately wipe it clean.

– For extra fluffy rice, add a teaspoon of vinegar to the boiling water.

– Spray vinegar around the doors, windows and any other area of your home where ants love to walk around to deter them from coming in your home.

– Sprinkle vinegar on a surface to keep cats from that area.

– To get rid of food stains that are on pots and pans, fill them with vinegar and let stand 20-30 minutes. Then rinse them out with hot and soapy water.

– To remove bumper stickers from a surface, take a cloth, soak it in vinegar, then cover the bumper sticker for a few minutes.
When the vinegar soaks in, the sticker should easily peel off.

– To clean your carpets or rugs, mix one cup of vinegar in a gallon of water. Brush in thoroughly.

– Add two tablespoons of vinegar and one teaspoon of sugar for each quart of water to perk up your flowers and have them last longer.

Vinegar is very inexpensive and when used correctly and carefully, it can be a great asset to have around your home. Please note that any of the ideas on this page you are using and/or trying at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damages.

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