1913: A Year of Disgrace for America

We as Americans are supremely stupid about our history, our Constitution and our institutions in general. I am completely convinced that our stupidity is not only intentionally orchestrated but is motivated by groups of people who neither honor the Constitution nor our history and national sovereignty. I want to concentrate on events that took place long ago in the year 1913 which have set in motion the mechanisms that are now destroying our country and are devastating our freedoms and our individual abilities to control our own lives and prosperity.
Three things happened in that year. First, Congress ratified the Sixteenth Amendment. Secondly, it also ratified the Seventeenth Amendment, and thirdly, The Federal Reserve Act was passed. Now what does this have to do with our sovereignty or our freedoms?
A little explanation and history is certainly needed here. Before this year there was basically no income tax. We financed our government through excise taxes pure and simple. Yes, there had been income taxes levied before, including one to finance the Civil War. But they were continuously wiped out by legislative action. For any Amendment to pass and become a part of our law and our Constitution, 3/4 of the states need to ratify it after a majority of Congress approved to send to the states.
According to Bill Benson, who has researched the history of this Amendment extensively and even filed briefs with the Court regarding this fraud, Kentucky, Oklahoma, California and Minnesota did not ratify this Amendment at all. 33 of the states changed the language of the proposed Amendment, which was a power that no state had under the Constitution. The then Sec. of State, Philander Knox, proclaimed that this Amendment had been adopted. He never said that the Amendment had been adopted, only that he declared it to be in effect. The people sat idly by and accepted it as Gospel truth. Why? Because already we had been losing our sense of our govt. as a democratic republic with state’s rights. This single fraud set in motion the mechanism to grow the Federal Government at the expense of the people and the states. It created the IRS to enforce this un-constitutional “law,” and grew an entrenched bureaucracy that is now the largest in the country. They knew that bureaucrats never have and never will have any allegiance to county or the Constitution. Their paychecks, virtually guaranteed, are the pinnacle of their moral concern.
Next, our Congress set about cementing their power by enacting the Federal Reserve Act. This in effect created a totally private Central Reserve bank that has nothing to do with our govt. nor is it under any department in our govt. Look for yourself.
The Federal Reserve is controlled and owned by international bankers, led by its U.S. counterparts. All revenue collected by the IRS goes directly to this private banking institution which IS the private bank. Our IRS collections do not go to Fort Knox or anywhere but into the coffers of these individuals. Realizing that they can’t bite the hand that feeds them overtly, they control interest rates, exchange rates, and the meat of our money supply and its available expansion or constriction. We have only to look at events of Paul Volker and Greenspan and lately Bernacke to realize the power these people wield. They can create Depressions at their will, and devalue or increase the value of the dollar, trading on it to their own benefit. They have been doing this for decades. Since we have been off the gold standard for decades, the Fed can simply print new money at will. And that money is essentially worthless paper not backed by anything but the good faith and credit of the United States which is beholden to the rest of world investors for us to remain solvent on our bonds issued.
The last nail in the coffin was possibly also fraudulent and has reaped a consequence that few people even are aware of. Prior to 1913 all U.S. senators were appointed by state legislatures to the senate – not elected. There was a good reason for this. Our Founding Fathers Knew that we need a mechanism to counteract unbridled “democracy” which they saw as one of the greatest threats to our new nation. The idea behind the appointment of Senators by the states was that it would balance out the electoral process used to elect Representatives. But with the passage of the 17th Amendment, which some think was also not properly ratified, the suffrage rights of the individual states now became tainted with the same politicization process that involved the election of Representatives, subverting the will of the Founding Fathers. With passage of this Amendment, states now could no longer appoint two senators who would represent the entire state’s interests any longer. People no longer would pay as close attention to their state politics and scrutinize those they elected to appoint senators. Just take a look at Senate elections today. This “august” body now runs on party tickets and is subject to the taint of huge corporate interests and lobby money from across the nation. The cost of campaigns alone virtually insures that incumbants will have a massive advantage over challengers. Party politics has become the game of the year – the election year, that is – and the money changing hands on campaigns for the senate races has become an abomination. The welfare of a Senator’s state is secondary-if even considered at all-to the power and greed of the individual senator.
The year 1913 was a grand Victory for the banking interests and bureaucrats whose primary desire was to consolidate power in Washington D.C., destroy the power of the individual and of the states, and grow the coffers of the U.S. government at any cost. It was a beautiful plan which worked because war was looming and money was needed to finance it. The “Progressives” of the era also had fired up a public which was fed up with the profiteering of the Robber Barons. Nobody was paying attention to the disastrous consequences of what was to take place in these most disgraceful of legislations-at least not enough people with a strong enough voice to investigate and oppose what was being perpetrated under the very nose of Congress itself.