20 Ways to Cut Cleaning Time

Get Organized
Organizing everything before you start speeds up the task. When you know where everything is, you don’t have to waste time running around looking for them.

1. Carry all cleaning supplies in a tackle box, pail or organizer big enough and with pockets deep enough to take all necessary tools and cleaning implements.

2. Keep your big supplies – broom, dustpan, mop, cleansers – in one area, such as a closet by the kitchen sink.

3. Use the best cleaning products and tools. Efficiency cuts cleaning time. Put on your apron, focus, don’t get sidetracked, and work at a moderate pace.

4. If you want to conduct a little furniture rearranging, do it on a weekend when your family can help.

5. If you need water for a particular chore, such as mopping the floor, make sure you do it when water supply is strong.

6. Invest in a cordless phone to stuff in your apron while cleaning. You won’t need to rush back and forth just to answer the phone every time it rings.

Clean Up

7. Deal with little jobs before they turn into big ones. Vacuum crumbs and wipe up spills before the dirt sets in, when it will take longer to remove.

8. Do not clean things that are not dirty. Hidden vertical surfaces do not get dirty as fast as exposed vertical or horizontal surfaces. When cleaning the refrigerator case, just clean what’s dirty, like handle and door. Do not pull out the whole refrigerator and clean the sides every time. Make that a monthly task.

9. Divide big jobs into small manageable ones. Instead of waiting until the busy holiday periods to clean all your good china, wash them by batch periodically.

10. Do as little as possible whenever possible. Wipe off dirt and handprints from the walls; don’t clean the whole wall. Deal with the spots on your rug; don’t shampoo the entire rug.

11. When cleaning a room, start from the door and work your way around until you end up where you started.

12. Clean from top to bottom. Start by sweeping the ceiling for cobwebs. If you sweep the floor first, dirt from the ceiling will fall and you will have to sweep the floor once again.

13. When cleaning glass panes or tiles, use both hands; one hand to spray the cleaning solution, and the other to wipe the surface clean.

14. Enlist the help of your spouse and kids on weekends. Small kids can wipe your unbreakable items while your hubby assists you with the heavier tasks.

15. Vacuum carpets, floors and upholstery every week. When dirt is given a chance to sit around, it will work its way into carpets and upholstery. Get a good vacuum cleaner with attachments.

16. When vacuuming, use an extension cord 50 feet long to plug your vacuum cleaner in so you don’t have to plug and unplug it in each room.

17. Put small unbreakable items in a mesh bag and wash them in the dishwasher, or soak them in soapy water and rinse them in running water.

Prevention First

As with everything, prevention is best. Cut cleaning time significantly by preventing dirt from coming in or piling up.

18. Pare down. The less you have, the less you have to clean. Get rid of everything you don’t love or need. Those small items are the ultimate dust collectors.

19. Place a mat outside every door for people to wipe their feet on before they step into your house. You will be surprised how much longer your floors and carpets will stay clean.

20. Don’t wait until empty jars pile up inside your refrigerator. As soon as a bottle is emptied or the food expires, throw it out. You will have fewer things to deal with when it’s time to give the inside of your refrigerator a good cleaning.

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