2000 and 2001 QPRwine Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Values

2000 and 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon vintages look similar when comparing score and price as the average score for the 2000 vintage is 88 points with an average $60 price tag while the 2001 averages only a point higher with 89 and a $65 price tag. But when comparing values between the combined two vintages, 2000 has only 34 great values while 2001 has 65 great values and three outstanding values (more than 75% off the average price). The 2001 Simi, Alexander Valley Landslide Vineyard at $27 for a 94-point wine is 15% of the average $177 price for a similar scoring wine. The 2001 Columbia Crest, Grand Estates Columbia Valley scored 88 points and at $8 earns a 19% QPR (Quality-Price-Ratio) rating. For a dollar less, the 2001 Columbia Crest, Two Vines Columbia Valley earns an 18% QPR as the average 87-point scoring wine is $39 for the combined vintages.

For great values, the 2001 Quilceda Creek from Washington tops the list scoring 96 points and at $115, the wine is 29% of the average price for a similiar scoring wine. Another top rated great value is the 2001 Turnbull Wine Cellars from Oakville, at $29 it earns a 27% QPR.

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