2006 Science Summer Camps in Denver, Colorado

Swimming, biking, hiking, and discovering are only a few of the fun activities associated with the summertime. Kids try to cram as much fun and adventure into this three-month period as possible, and what better way to do so than by attending a summer camp program.

Summer camp can be a wonderful experience. Learning, exploring, and participating in a summer camp program can help your child to gain memories that they will never forget. Not to mention share a wonderful life time experience with other children just like them.

Science is a wonderful subject, and one of the best times to learn about science is in the summer. Here is a guide to some of Denver’s top Science Day Camp Programs of 2006. Check it out!

Brain Respiration Day Camp
This is a fun camp that focuses on brain-integration exercises and activities. This camp helps children to boost their self-esteem, self-motivation, self-discovery, imagination, concentration and interactions with their peers. Starts June 26th thru June 30th and July 24th thru July 28th for ages 6-14. 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Contact Info:
2900 S. University Blvd
Denver, CO
Phone: 303-773-1034
Call about the cost

Camp PSI: Plant Science Investigators
This is definitely an awesome camp. If your child loves plants and learning cool techniques of plant scientists than this is definitely the place for them. Kids get to explore the science of plants at the Denver Botanic Gardens. Ages 12 to 14. Starting July 31st- August 4th. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Contact Info:
Denver Botanic Gardens
1005 York St.
Denver, CO
Phone: 720-865-3580
Cost: $199/members and $219/nonmembers

Denver Zoo’s Summer Safari Camp for Kids
This is the best camp for kids to learn all about animals. Your child will get to explore the animal world and all the extremes that come along with it. They will be involved in hands on activities, field trips, animal visits and observations. Your child will also have fun making crafts, playing games, involvement in projects and zoo tours. Definitely check out this adventure. Starting June 5th thru August 11th. This camp is for preschoolers up to fifth grade. Half and full day sessions are available.

Contact Info:
Denver Zoo
2300 Steele St.
Phone: 303-376-4888, option 2
Cost: $125 to $250

Highlands Ranch Summer Nature Camp
This camp is great for children who love to fish, underwater wonders, and animal tracking. Your child will have the opportunity to learn how Native American children lived and how to identify different species of plants. This camp offers a wonderful summer learning experience. Available for children ages 6 to 12. Starting June 26th thru 30th. 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Contact Info:
Redstone Park
3280 Redstone Park Circle.
Highlands Ranch, CO
Phone: 303-791-2710
Cost: $75/resident and $87/nonresident

Science Discovery Summer Camps at the Butterfly Pavilion
Bug Bugs and More Bugs. The Butterfly Pavilion offers children the wonderful experience of learning about some of their most favorite creatures, insects. Spiders, butterflies, and dragonflies are only some of the many bugs your child will have the opportunity to explore. Camps offered include: Spiders, Bugs, and Butterflies I, ages 6 to 8, starts June 12th thru June 16th and July 10th thru July 14th. Spiders, Bugs, and Butterflies II ages 7 to 9, July 17th thru July 21st and August 7th thru August 11th. Dragonfly’s Tale-Insects in Native American Stories and Art, ages 7 to 9. June 19th thru June 23rd. Weird and wacky Wet World, ages 7 to 9, July 31st. to August 4th.

Contact Info:
Butterfly Pavilion
6252 W. 104th Ave.
Westminster, CO
Phone: 303-492-7188
Cost: $160

Summer Camps at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science
The Denver Museum of Nature & Science offers various full-day and weeklong camps for children interested in learning about science and more. Camps include: Mad about Science, Camping Adventures, Fossil Hunters, Explorers, Behind the Scenes, Zoology: What Makes a Mammal a Mammal?, and Backpackers Survival. Call if you would like more details about any of these camps.

Contact Info:
2001 Colorado Blvd.
Denver, CO
Phone: 303-322-7009

I hope that this guide was helpful and God willing your child will have a wonderful summer adventure.

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