3 of the Top Acting Schools in the U.S

One of the best acting schools in the nation is the Acting School of South Florida. The Acting School of South Florida was founded by the director of one of the first acting schools in Hollywood called The Acting Studio and the acting school called The Actor’s Conservatory.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½

The acting school places a heavy emphasis on training actors for real jobs. Many of its graduates have gone on to work for big Hollywood productions in films, television series or on Broadway in New York stage which is one of the biggest acting stages in the world. Students are�¯�¿�½trained by teachers to have discipline, persistence and commitment because acting is a very difficult field. Many people want to be big stars but few people ever make it to the big stage or get to be hired for a film or production. That is why the virtues of persistence and committment are so important values that students are taught.

Teachers at the school use a mostly first hand teaching techniques to convey the proper acting techniques to their students. All of the teachers at the South Florida school have been many actors and have had long prosperous careers. Every year around 10 of the school’s students are awarded the Certificate of Training which is a national honor award of the highest honor.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½

The mission of the school is to have an envornment of exploration, passion, and growth by its students in the acting field

The South Florida Acting school provides housing for people outside of the state of Florida and it is a truly unique experience. The weather is beautiful especially in the summer.

Another great acting school is the Stella Adler Academy of�¯�¿�½Acting in California.�¯�¿�½The school has very tough admission�¯�¿�½standards. The school offers a two year program as well as an individual timetable with a schedule of class for students admitted into the school.�¯�¿�½

In order to gain entry into the school, applicants must be at least 18 years of age. In addition applicants need t o submit a current resume, a recent 8 x 10 photograph, two letters of recomendation and finally an interview with the school admissions director.�¯�¿�½

The two year acting program gives students a unique chance to improve on their acting abilities and be ready for the big stage once they graduate. Some of the courses which the school offers include: Acting Technique, Voice, Movement, Improvisation,Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½Musical Voice, Script Analysis, Shakespear, Speech, Audition Skills, Scene Study, Stage Combat, Fencing,Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½Dance, Tap Dance, Theatre of Film, Commerical Audition, Performance Improvisation, Dialiects, Directors’ Workshop and Play Production.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½

The Stella Adler Acting Academy also has great adivsors in the school which look for you for jobs and employment right after you graduate.�¯�¿�½Every teacher has deep experience in the acting field and almost every student has the time of their life at the acting school.

Finally, one school that specializes in Film and Acting is the New York�¯�¿�½Academy for�¯�¿�½Acting�¯�¿�½and Film. This school located in the heart of New York near Broadway does in fact have many of its graduate students work on Broadway under the bright lights of New York City. This school not only teaches you how to suceed on one of the biggest acting stages of the world, but it teaches its students how to handle the fiances and pressures of an actor in New York City where employment is hard to find because there are so many great actors and actresses.�¯�¿�½

The school offers many programs and courses. Some are as short as 1 week and others as long as 1 year of acting and training. The school also offers summer camps for actor training. The acting school first opened in 1992 and has become one of the top acting schools in the nation.�¯�¿�½

The school has greatly chnaged its philosophical approach to acting as in its earliest teaching days most of the teaching was done through lectures and books. Now most of the actor training and teaching is done through a hands on approach.�¯�¿�½

The school specializes in acting on film and while not every student goes into movies and television series, a good majority of students do follow this path.�¯�¿�½

One of the downfalls of the acting school is that it doesn’t award scholarships or grants which means that most students have to take out loans to pay for the school.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½

If you want to be an actor someday, especially in a film, the New York Academy of Acting and Film just might be the place for you.

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