3D Video of Your Baby

It has been stated that just in the year 2000 alone, some 2.7 million women, that is about 67 percent of the pregnant women, had prenatal sonograms.

Normal practice for the use of ultrasounds is, that they are taken in order for the doctor to check on the development and growth of the baby. The parents are then given a simple 2D picture of their fetus to take home and cherish.

Now, it seems that those simple 2D pictures have turned into a money making market promoting 3D and 4D fetal videos burned on DVDs and sold to parents to enjoy. The prices can range from a 2D fetal picture selling at $75 to a full blown package consisting of a 20 minute video that is set to music and some wallet size pictures and some larger size fetal photos that are suitable for framing selling for $285. The ads for these videos and photos appear in several different parenting magazines.

Although the whole concept of prenatal videoing can seem a little thrilling and somewhat comforting to the parents of the fetus, the question arises as to the safety to the unborn child.

The first question of safety comes with knowing that someone besides a medical or trained professional may be running an ultrasound machine on you and your baby unsupervised.

Some studies have been shown that over the years it has been proven that ultrasound has not been proven to be harmful to the mother or the baby. However, the FDA is still raising concerns about the unsupervised usage of the ultrasound machine.

Ultrasound is a form of energy

Ultrasound waves vibrate at 100 times the frequency of normal sound, causing a variety of affects on tissue. One of them being, heat. Another affect is noise reaching decibels of 100, which causes fetuses to move.

Similar studies on animals being exposed to ultrasound have shown that fetal brain tissue does become heated and studies are now done on how this heating of brain tissue affects development.

In a study in 1998, a study on a live guinea-pig showed that the temperature of the brain of the fetus rose about 8 degrees Fahrenheit.

So,before answering an ad in your favorite parenting magazine, or before allowing someone to take an unsupervised 20 minute video of your fetus, do some research and form your own opinions and conclusions. That way you will have the comfort of knowing that you did your homework.

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