4 Exercises that Can Help You Flatten Your Tummy

1.Standing push-ups. Do these in front of a wall at home, or even outside against a tree. Stand with your feet apart at hip-width. Your hands should go on the wall at shoulder height. Contract your abs and hold them in throughout the exercise. As you inhale, slowly lower your chest toward the wall. Keep you heels on the ground as you do this. When your nose is just inches from the wall, begin to exhale, pushing away until you have returned to your starting position. Build up to 15 repetitions. This will strengthen your arms as well.
2.Standing side crunches. Stand with knees slightly bent, placed hip-width apart. Form soft fists and bend your elbows, bringing your fists next to each other at the center of your chest. Take a deep breath to begin. Exhale and bend from the waist, lowering your right rib toward your right hip bone. Squeeze your abs as you do this. Inhale yourself back up to start, and then exhale to the left. You can do this alternating for 1 to 2 minutes.
3.Standing oblique twist. Your stance should be one of feet placed hip-width apart. Make a goal post with your arms by holding them at shoulder height with the elbows bent up at 90 degrees (your palms should be forward). Inhale, and then as you exhale lift your right knee up and rotate toward the right. This will twist through your waist. Contract your abs as you do this, and keep your hips forward. Inhale to lower your leg and twist back. Do the same with the left knee, rotating to the left. Alternate sides for a minute or two. This will also help your leg muscles.
4.Bench plank leg lifts. This exercise will help you strengthen your deep core muscles. You will need a sturdy bench or table – a lower table is about right. Place your hands near the edge and then move your feet out. Your body should form a plank in a straight line from the top of your head down to your feet. This exercise requires you to tighten your abs and buttocks as you balance on the balls of your feet. Keep your torso lengthened throughout this exercise, but do not forget to tighten your abs. Inhale to begin, and then as you exhale lift your right leg off the ground. Inhale your right leg down and then exhale your left leg up. You should start at 30 seconds of alternating legs and try to work up to one minute.