5 Biggest Mistakes Women Make with Men How to Avoid Them

As a hairstylist, I have heard some misunderstood things from women about men. And over the years, I’ve uncovered 5 of The Biggest Mistakes Women Make With Men that are often overlooked!

It’s important that you read what’s below with an open mind and not feel that it’s too simple! Each day I hear the sob stories of women who can’t understand why things happen!

Now it’s your turn to get the upper hand, so here are the 5 Mistakes Women Make With Men:

1. Calling him more times than he calls you

When you first meet a man, you’re all excited about the potential of what could be. But hold your horses.

If you appear desperate then you will make yourself less appealing to him.

Understand that men like a chase. I’m not talking about playing games with a man’s emotion. I’m talking about allowing him to pursue you so that later on he can tell all his friends how he ‘slow walked you down’.

Men just have this hunter mentality. This makes a man want to seek out and capture his prey. The last thing a hunter wants is his prey all up in face begging to be captured.

Do him and you a favor and make yourself scarce.
Go to the grocery store. Go to a friend’s house. Or go to the local boys or girl’s club and do some volunteer work. It doesn’t matter so much where you make yourself scarce.

Men love this. Making yourself scarce makes you ten times more attractive to him.

2. Waiting for him to show up if he’s not in place within 15-30 minutes of the agreed upon time

Let me tell you something, if a man says he will pick you up or meet you some where at 8 pm and he’s not there within 15-30 minutes of the agreed upon time and you haven’t heard from them, then leave.

If you were planning to go out to dinner with him, instead call your girlfriend (not another guy) and ask her if she would like to meet you for dinner. But just go.

Now don’t leave with a negative attitude. A negative attitude will only serve to hurt you. Instead, do it with an attitude of concern because something could have happened to him.

Now when you do hear from Mr. No Show, if his excuse is a sorry one, don’t even get upset. Why? Because now you know the type of person you’re dealing with and you didn’t have waste valuable time and/or get emotionally drained.

But I’m going to warn you, if you make excuses for his lack of consideration then you have given him permission to disrespect you and take you for granted.

And if you allow this in the beginning of your relationship, then it will become a way of live throughout the length of your relationship.

3. Leading lead him on

If you’re not interested in him be up front and honest and tell him.

If you lie then all you’re doing is sowing a seed of lies and deceit which you and you alone will have to reap back. And I don’t care if all your friends are doing it. And I don’t care if guys have done it to you in the past.

You have to be different. The reason why most relationships don’t work is because everybody is doing the same wrong things.

Now you may be tempted to go out with a guy you’re not the least bit interested in as a way to get a free meal or someone to spend time with because you don’t want to be alone.

But this is a selfish on your part.

If you know he’s interested you and you know you’re not interested in him and you’re definitely interested in someone else don’t lead him on.

Sort out your feelings with the other guy before bringing this new guy into the picture.

If you expect to standout you have to be different from the crowd. You do that by making it a point to treat people the way you want to be treated.

4. Making promises that you won’t keep

I’m not really talking about you keeping your word to him. I’m more concerned about you keeping your word to yourself.

Let’s suppose you say to yourself the next guy you meet you promise yourself that you won’t have sex with him until you two get married.

Then you meet this nice, attractive man and before you know it, you’re on your back staring up at the ceiling and wonder what side of the bed you underwear is on.

Then because of your guilt you try to force a relationship that was built on shaky ground.

The reason we become distrustful and fearful in relationships is because we are distrustful and fearful of the person we see in the mirror.

5. Acting like you don’t need a man when you know you do

The way to find, get and keep a good man is to be honest with you.
I’m not saying that you should appear desperate but you have to be at peace with the fact that, yes you want a man. And not just any man. A man that’s good to you.

Do you know there are many women putting out this, “I don’t need a man!” attitude and you know the bad part is, not only are they lying to themselves, but their getting exactly what their putting out, ‘no good man’.

Even when they finally do meet a potentially good man, 3 weeks into the relationship he stops calling. That’s because there attitude manifested their reality.

Love yourself enough to be honest with yourself. Once you come clean with the fact that, yes, you do want a man that will caress you, love you, and protect you; then and only then, will you be on the road to truly finding and keeping the man of your dreams.

Well, there you have it…the 5 Mistakes Women Make With Men.””””

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