5 Crafts Made from an Empty Milk Jug

To make an empty Milk Jugs into a basket cut off the top 6 inches. Buy one yard of natural fabric or use paper bags. Cut the fabric into 2 inch strips. Weave them together by laying out enough rows of fabric strips and then weaving more in vertically. Hold these together with hot glue. Wrap the entire woven fabric around the Milk Jugs. Use another piece for the handle. You can hot glue it into place as well. For an added detail cut slits 2 inches wide on opposite sides of the Milk Jugs. Inset the end of the handle on each side. Glue on inside with hot glue. You can put cut flowers, a potted plant, and even candy in this basket. For Mother’s Day you could do this project with colorful ribbon to create a small gift basket.
Empty plastic Milk Jugs are an easy and affordable way to build up an emergency water supply. Instead of running to the store and buying gallons of water and lugging them home you can use your empty Milk Jugs to easy do this.
Clean the plastic bottles out with a solution of water and bleach. Let the bottle air dry completely. Now, fill all of the bottles with water directly from your tap. Put 2 drops of bleach in each Milk Jugs. This will kill any bacteria present and keep your water safe for a long time. This is a great project the entire family can do to prepare for any possible emergencies. Don’t stop there though; make a plan with your family about what they would do in the case of any natural disaster of family emergency.
Empty Milk Jugs are also a great vessel to use to grow plants from seed in. To do this simply cut the bottle in half. You should keep about the bottom four inches of the Milk Jugs. Fill it with potting soil. Plant your seeds as directed.
You can plant at least four plants in each Milk Jugs. When they are ready to be transferred put one plant in each bottle. Before you add the soil be sure to poke a few drainage holes in the bottom of the Milk Jugs. You could also add some gravel in the bottom to help with drainage.
Empty plastic Milk Jugs are perfect to use as a vase insert in a bowl. You can slip them into almost anything large and round to create a unique base to your centerpiece. It should fit most terra cots as well.
Cut the top of the Milk Jugs off so you have a large opening. You will need to cut it to different heights depending on what you will be putting get into. For a fun display of daisies insert your Milk Jugs into a brown paper bag. You could even crumple the bag up, then flatten it back out for a really rustic look. Fill your Milk Jugs with water and add your flowers.
Tie a colorful ribbon around the bag for added detail. Another great option would be to wrap the Milk Jugs in newspaper or wrapping paper. Just fold the paper to the right height and simply wrap it around the bottle. Hold in place with a matching ribbon. The look is simple and affordable!
Plastic Milk Jugs are perfect for this quick and easy craft. You will need to cut off the top four inches of the Milk Jugs. Spray the outside of the bottle with hammered metal spray paint. Poke holes in a design all around the sides of the bottle. Pour in a couple of inches of sand and then add your candle. You could also spray the inside of the bottle with white or any color spray paint for a colorful glow.