5 Easy Ways to Loosen a Stubborn Jar Lid

Who hasn’t had this experience? You’re fixing yourself a sandwich, and, no matter how hard you try, you can’t loosen the metal lid on the new jar of pickles. Or, you’re serving a meal and the lid on the applesauce refuses to budge. It can be annoying. Fortunately, though, there are 5 easy ways to loosen a stubborn jar lid without a hassle!

The first method is also my favorite way to get a lid loose in a flash. It requires no tools whatsoever. All you need is the jar and your hands. Hold the jar raised up in front of you with one hand. Then, take your other hand and firmly smack the bottom of the jar with the heel of your hand three times. Smacking the bottom of the jar with a stubborn lid should break the vacuum seal so you can then loosen it.

The second easy way to loosen a stubborn jar lid is to use a butter knife. Hold the jar in one hand while you tap the side of the lid with the knife handle. Tap the knife in several places around the perimeter of the stubborn lid. It should then up with just a flick of your wrist.

Some people swear by the old “hot water method” to loosen a jar lid. This way does work well because it uses thermal energy to actually expand the metal lid. To use this method, hold the jar by its bottom. Turn the hot water faucet on, then place the jar underneath the water stream so it directly hits the lid. Let the hot water run over the lid for ten to twenty seconds. Then, dry the stubborn jar lid off with a towel and turn it off loosely!

A Word of Caution: Never, ever use boiling water when you’re trying to loose a metal lid on a glass jar! The temperature of the water can cause the glass to explode in your hand!

The third easy way to get that stuck lid off is to simply slide a pair of rubber gloves on your hands first. The rubber will help you get a firm grip on both the glass jar and the metal lid. Then, just twist the lid off! This method works well if the jar isn’t vacuum sealed tightly.

You can also use a small, flat headed screwdriver to loosen a stubborn jar lid. Simply insert the head of the screwdriver just underneath the lid. Raise it up, then move it around the jar until you hear the vacuum seal break. Then, remove the screwdriver and loosen the jar lid.

And finally, the fifth easy way to loosen a stubborn jar lid is to hold the jar firmly upside down over a countertop. The jar should be about five to six inches above the counter. Hold the jar with both hands so it doesn’t slip from your grip. Then, hit the countertop with the jar lid squarely. Invert the jar and try to loosen the lid. If it still refuses to budge, turn it over again and hit it again until the vacuum seal breaks.

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