5 Free Activities in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

I moved from St. Louis, Missouri, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, eight years ago. Even though it took me a while to adapt to the cold climate, I have grown to love Milwaukee. No matter the time of year, there is always something to do in the city and surrounding suburbs. Here are five free and fun activities to enjoy in Milwaukee.

Jazz in the Park

Every Thursday evening from June to September in Cathedral Square Park in downtown Milwaukee, there is Jazz in the Park. It’s a free concert consisting of jazz, big band, funk, R&B, reggae, and blues music. These concerts have been going on since 1991 with an average attendance of 8,000 people.

Lake Michigan beaches

When you think of Milwaukee the first thing that comes to mind is snow and cold weather. Even though we have short summers; Milwaukee has great beaches along the cost of Lake Michigan. Bradford Beach is the biggest and most popular place to play sand volleyball, to take a walk along the lake and to sunbathe.

Bastille Days

Milwaukee is known as the city of festivals in the summer months. There seems to be some type of festival going on every summer weekend. One of the biggest festivals is Bastille Days which a celebration of the French culture.

Bastille Days is held in Cathedral Square Park from July 10 to the 13. The festival offers everything French including food, music and entertainment. There is also a 43-foot replica of the Eiffel Tower with hourly light shows.

Slice of Ice in Red Arrow Park

A popular family winter activity in downtown Milwaukee is the Slice of Ice, which is a free public ice rink located in Red Arrow Park. The rink is open from December to February and can hold up to 100 skaters at a time. There are refreshments available at the concession stands. There is also a warming house for skaters to take a break from the cold.

Sledding hills

On average, the city of Milwaukee receives 47 inches of snow a year. It snows several times a week throughout our six-month winters, so of course, there are dozens of sledding hills available in the city and suburbs. It’s absolutely free, as long as you bring your own sled.

I enjoy all of these activities throughout the year living in Milwaukee. If you come for a visit, don’t worry about being bored, because there is always something to do in Milwaukee.

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