5 Habits that Will Help You Keep a Clean House

1. Straightening up your kitchen each night before bed will help you keep a clean house.
Making a habit of straightening your kitchen before bed will make you more willing to make breakfast in the morning, and also help your kitchen serve as a centerpiece for a clean house. I’m not talking about deep cleaning here. Just put the food away, load and run the dishwasher, and wipe down the counter tops.
2. Emptying the dishwasher in the morning will help you keep a clean house.
When you wake up, get the dishes out of the dishwasher and into the cupboards. This will help prevent dirty dishes from stacking up on your counter-tops because there’s no where to put them. When you’re trying to keep a clean house, the key is to engage in little habits that will make your job easier as the day goes on. This habit will keep your kitchen clean, and a sparkling kitchen serves as an example in keeping the rest of the house clean.
3. Decluttering will help you keep a clean house.
In a clean house, you’ll notice lots of bare surfaces, open shelves, and neatly stored items. This is because when it comes to keeping a clean house, less is more. If you get rid of everything you don’t need, you’ll have more room for the things that you do need. Clutter won’t pile up. But decluttering should be done in small chunks. A little every day, or even a little every week, will eventually help you to keep a clean house.
4. Taking donations directly to the car will help you keep a clean house.
When you’re decluttering and bagging items up for donation, they can, in themselves, become clutter. Too often, when it comes to keeping a clean house, we pile our donations in a staging area where they become an eye-sore. Better to bag your donations and bring them directly to the car so that you can drop them off when you’re running errands. This rule applies to almost anything that needs to be taken elsewhere and dropped off.
5. Spraying after you shower will help you keep a clean house.
Who has time to scrub the shower clean of mildew and soap scum? Minimize this process by doing a little every day. Use one of those shower cleaning sprays, or make your own. If that seems too difficult a habit to get into, consider investing in Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner, so that all you have to do is get in the habit of pressing a button.