5 Household Uses for Flour

Flour is the major ingredient in foods whether it be cookies, cakes, brownies, pancakes or simply used for breading meats and veggies. However flour can be used for many things around the house besides food. Below you will find 5 household uses for flour.

Put out a grease fire

House fires many times start in the kitchen from a grease fire on the stove. If grease spills on your burners, turn off the burners and grab your flour pour it on the fire, before it gets out of hand. The flour will smother the fire out. It makes a mess though and you will have to clean your stove after wards.

Clean your playing cards

After playing with cards they start to get sticky from the snacks you eat while playing and hand oil. Get a bag and put some flour in it, drop the cards into the bag and shake vigorously and remove the cards. The flour absorbs the oil, and the flour is easily knocked off the cards by giving them a forceful shuffle.

Bring luster back to your dull sink

Stainless steel sinks start to loose their luster over time. You can purchase products to bring the luster back or just use flour. Sprinkle flour over the sink and rub it lightly with a dry, soft cloth. Then just rinse the flour away and your stainless steel sink has its shine back.

Safe paste for your Childs craft projects

For a safe and non toxic paste, grab that bag of flour. Flour is the perfect and safe way to make paste for the kiddies. To make the paste add 1 cup all-purpose flour to a saucepan and stir in 3 cups of cold water. Stir the mixture constantly until it starts to boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring the paste until it is thick and smooth. Cool and then pour into a squeeze bottle. When not using store in the refrigerator.

Modeling clay

Flour is a great product to make your own modeling clay and a lot cheaper. You can have the kids help you make this clay. Knead 3 cups of flour, 1 cup of water, �¼ cup salt, 1 tsp vegetable oil and 2 drops of desired color of food coloring. If the mixture is too stiff add more water, if it is too sticky add some more flour. When you have the clay to the right consistency store it zipper plastic bags or sealable bowls.

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