5 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

So, to help you out this year, I’ve thought and thought, and I’ve come up with five great gift ideas for Mother’s Day that are sure to be garner you plenty of heartfelt “Thank You’s!!!” from that special lady in your life.
1. Help Mom Keep In Touch With Other Family Members
With the rising cost of everything nowadays, the cost of long distance phone calls is no exception. It’s not uncommon for Moms to have family members who are sprinkled across the United States. She might not talk to them as often as she would like to, because of the cost of a long distance phone call, so why not buy her a prepaid phone card for Mother’s Day this year?
They are easy to buy and are readily available at most places. Phone cards are sold in a variety of increments, or minutes, so you can buy a card that will fit your budget.
2. Take The Special Woman In Your Life On a Date
How long has it been since you took your wife out on a date? It’s probably been longer yet since your mother was taken out on the town. Being “wined and dined” always makes a woman happy.
You can take her out for dinner on the town and a movie while you’re at it. Or, if your Mom would rather stay home and relax, why not rent some videos she would like and order pizza instead? You can also take her on a picnic in the park. The possibilities are practically endless!
3. Gift Cards Have a Universal Appeal
Have you ever received a gift card for a particular store? I have, and they are fantastic. I love gift cards because I can visit the retailer and pick out exactly what I want. Often, you don’t even have to go to the store in person. You can log onto their web site and shop from the comfort of your home. Gift cards are super simple to use, and they are the next best thing to cash. Visa(TM) and MasterCard(TM) offer gift cards that can be used at any store, instead of being restricted to just one.
And, you can buy them in monetary increments from twenty dollars on up. You can even buy them online if you choose.
4. A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words of Gratitude
Mothers are a proud bunch. They can whip out pictures of their kids, in-laws, grandchildren, and even great-great grandchildren in a heart beat. Visit their houses, and you’ll often see an entire wall devoted to pictures of them and their family. If your mom’s family picture is outdated, why not get your family together and have a new photo snapped?
Heck, you don’t even need to visit a portrait studio nowadays. Just have a friend snap a picture with a digital camera and print as many copies as you want out.
5. Give Mom The Precious Gift of Time
Like many women from her time era, my mom isn’t real handy around the house. And when Dad comes home from work, he likes to pour his form into his recliner. So, there are often chores around their house that need done. The special lady in your life might have the same problem. You can resolve it, though, by giving her the precious gift of time. Make up a snazzy coupon on your computer and print it out. Offer her your personal services for a day. You can mow and rake the lawn, clean out the attic, rearrange the living room, repair Mom’s leaky dishwasher, change the oil in her car, and a host of other helpful things.