5 Online Resources for Celiac Disease
http:///www.Celiac.com is one of the best resources online to managing Celiac Disease. Not only do they provide reviews and opinions via their support message board, they offer a gluten free store. It’s full of gluten free goodies for those struggling to adapt to eating different foods. They even offer a newsletter that offers in depth articles and updates on the website and special offers. They do charge however for the newsletter and there’s also a fee printed edition. The owner Scott Adams is quick and friendly to answer your questions and concerns regarding the website and or newsletters.
http://www.cfpc.ca/cfp/2004/May/vol50-may-cme-1.asp is a website run by Canadian Family Physician that gives a clear view of what Celiac Disease is and why often times it’s often missed during diagnosing. It explains the main factors associated with Celiac Disease along with symptoms and diseases. The information is also available in French.
Children dealing with the disease may take comfort in the kids korner of http://www.celiac.org Here you’ll find information about R.O.C.K which stands for “Raising Our Celiac Kids.” It’s a camp specifically to providing only gluten free meals and snacks for a 1 week camp. On Celiac.org there’s even a place for single people to meet their match who also deal with having Celiac Disease. The website offers suggestions on good books to read that you can purchase directly from Amazon.com There’s even a listing to inform you of where near or in your state groups are getting together in person to discuss Celiac and offer helpful tips. Check out their Team Gluten Free to stay on top of pressing issues and current events.
Medicine Net offers information on what to ask and how to get the most out of your doctor’s appointment regarding Celiac Disease. You can even find articles that let you read what doctor’s views and responses related to C.D are. There’s articles on diseases associated with Celiac Disease to give you an in depth view of what to look out for. Medicine Net provides a really great source for long hours of article reading on many subjects.
Family Doctor offers the basics of C.D. for many new to the disease. It informs on how people get Celiac, what happens to the body and how one can take a test to detect if they have the disease. The website also offers recommended reading. The website is available in Espanol.