5 Questions to Ask when Selecting a Plastic Surgeon

America the beautiful is what we should call the great migration towards beauty and youthfulness. Today’s race towards plastic surgery is by no means what we have seen in past years. Today people – men and women both desire plastic surgery.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons,”You want a board-certified surgeon with the skill and training to help you achieve your goals.” Many of us have heard horror stories of people who have been through surgical procedures that have ended up to be total botched up nightmares. Awareness is the key to further prevent this from happening and for those who have had plastic surgery and have escaped any detrimental problems – -kudos to you!

However, there are those who have and are suing plastic surgeons for malpractice because instead of enhanced features he or she ended up with distorted features. One can never be too sure when selecting a plastic surgeon. Performing research and asking the right questions seems to be the best preventive measures that may in fact, save money, heartaches, and save a few lives. After finding out that the doctor is board-certified ask the right questions when selecting a plastic surgeon:

How many patients have you performed this type of plastic surgery on?

Knowing how many times that the plastic surgeon performed the surgery would be a crucial and logical first question. Of course, every patient is different and every surgery will be different. However, the technique remains the same and doctors who have performed numerous surgeries of the same type in theory may be more skilled than others. Repetition doesn’t necessarily mean perfection, but it does denote a certain level of skill.

What are some of the rare side effects I may face after this plastic surgery procedure?

Most physicians prep patients before any type of surgery and explain the common side effects and such. With plastic surgery this most likely is no different. However, remember there are common side effects and at times there are rare side effects. Know the common side effects and make certain to ask about the rare ones are. You may just be the person who faces such adversity after the procedure is done.

What are the complications that can occur on the operating table?

Could you puncture a vein? Could you possibly cut too much skin away? What is the worst thing that can happen? These are not paranoid questions to ask. Don’t hesitate to arm yourself with information that could be crucial to your health before plastic surgery.

Have you had a malpractice suit filed against you in regards to plastic surgery?

Don’t be afraid to ask about malpractice suits. Don’t you have the right to know before you lay down on the table whether or not the physician with the knife has had had any malpractice suits filed against him or her. This is an important question because not all malpractice suits end with a physician’s license being revoked.

If something were to happen in this first surgery – what type of reconstruction procedure would be needed AND how much would it cost?

Going back under the knife to fix a problem after plastic surgery can not only be dangerous but costly too. Whether or not you allow the same physician who messed you up in the first place to do a second surgery is entirely up to you. But, know that mistakes can be costly and dangerous. This is not a bad question to ask in fact, it is a smart one.

These are five questions that you can ask before having plastic surgery. Know thy plastic surgeon before going under his or her lovely, shiny, sharp, knife. It’s America the beautifulâÂ?¦not Americans are careless and beautiful. Be informed!

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