5 Reasons Why a Business Plan Can Protect You Legally

1. You often need to show your business plan to banks. Sometimes a bank will want to see your business plan even for the smallest things such as a merchant account so your business can accept credit cards. It is a good idea to have a business plan since it shows that you are in business for the long term and have goals in mind.
2. Insurance agencies usually want to see a business plan before they write an insurance policy for your business. If a disaster ever happens or in certain cases when a claim is filed then the insurance agencies usually want to see your business plan. It is important to have one just in case.
3. You can often get funding easier. A business plan will often help you get approved for funding for your company easier. It shows that you are serious about your business and you want to succeed. A business plan will impress lenders.
4. Supplies for products will often want to see your business plan. They want to know that your company can indeed pay them the money. They want to know that you are serious about your company. They want to know that you make enough profit in order to pay them on any credit accounts that they extend to you.
5. The business plan will often protect you if anything happens to your inventory and any other assets. You need to take pictures of all inventory that is expensive and you need to take pictures of your assets. You need to record information about your assets in your business plan. You also need to include in the business plan how much your assets are worth.
You can have an attorney write the business plan for your company. If you don’t want to hire an attorney then you can always do a business plan yourself and save money. You need to include profit and loss reports in a business plan. You can put together a business plan in a short amount of time. It is worth in the long term to have a business plan. It is too much of a risk to take when you don’t have a business plan for your company. You can always purchase software that will help you put together a business plan within a few hours. The software is pretty reasonable and affordable. The business plan software is also a tax write off.