5 Refreshing Ways to Welcome Spring

Are you anxious for Spring to arrive? Some places enjoy beautiful Spring weather in January or February, but others have to wait until April or even May to get a proper Spring.

If you are eager to welcome Spring, here are a few things you can do to get in the mood for Spring.

Plant Colorful Annuals

Fill a few terra cotta pots or a bare spot of dirt in your yard with colorful annuals. Pansies and primroses are two flowers that do well in cooler weather. They can withstand frost and even a layer of snow and they come in lots of colors.

Put a pot next to your front door or fill a long planter and place it on the front walk way. Nothing says, “Welcome Spring” more than brightly colored flowers.

Get a Pedicure

Get your toes and feet ready for Spring footwear by getting a pedicure. Men, you are not off the hook! If you plan on wearing flip flops, Birkenstocks, Teva’s, slides, open toed shoes of any kind, or going barefoot, give your feet and toes a little pampering before they make their yearly debut.

Whether you get pampered at a nail salon or pamper yourself at home, there are a few steps you want to make sure to include in your pedicure routine. Get the rough, dry skin off your heels by using a foot file. Cuticle cream will help soften your cuticles and make them easy to push back with an orange stick. Don’t forget a good set of toenail clippers, a sturdy nail file and a buffing block for giving nails a nice neat look. Finish off with a luxurious cream, massaged into your feet to soften them after their long winter hibernation.

Open the Windows

Every once in a while, you will get a sunny day where the temperatures start to creep up, ever so slightly. Open a few windows even for an hour to let in that fresh air, clean smelling air. While you’re at it, chase the dust bunnies out from under the bed and use a brush attachment on the hose of your vacuum cleaner to suck dust out of vents and off blinds.

Changing of the Clothes

Do a little Spring Cleaning in your closet and put away some of the thick sweaters and heavy clothing and replace it with lighter, brighter tops and trousers. If dry cleaning is needed for some items, take care of this now and hang clothes in their plastic to protect them from dust so they’ll be ready for next Winter.

While you’re going through closets and drawers, thin out your wardrobe a little by setting aside some things for donation. Choose clothes that don’t fit, or that you have not worn for over a year. If you have any “what was I thinking?” pants, tops or skirts, set those aside too.

Organizing your Spring wardrobe will also help you decide if new clothing is needed and reduce redundant purchases, hopefully.

Linen Update

Take the flannel sheets off the bed and bring out the lighter, brighter spring and summer bedding. An inexpensive comforter in bright or pastel colors will help welcome Spring and lift your spirits. A quick duvet can easily be sewn together to cover up a darker, heavier looking comforter. Simply purchase two flat sheets to match your bed size, and with right sides together, sew a seam around the sides and bottom. You can create button holes and sew on buttons to keep the duvet cover closed, or simply use a little Velcro.

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