5 Signs to Tell If Your Child Has Vision Problems

1.Does your child look at things too closely? Do they often hold the papers too close when reading? This is one sign when an individual has vision problems. People often hold papers too close to their face when reading and don’t realize it very much. Pay attention if it happens all the time.
2.Do you notice that your child often doesn’t say the right numbers or correct colors at times? You may notice this when he or she is watching tv or perhaps doing homework. If they keep making the same mistake over and over again then it can imply that they need glasses. If they have problems with not being able to tell the difference of different colors then they might be color blind.
3.Does your child see things that are not there? People often see things that aren’t really there when eyes get tired or due to allergies. If eyes get tired constantly then it could mean that he or she needs glasses. When we don’t wear glasses then it puts a strain on our eyes since they have to work harder.
4.Does your child squint their eyes when looking at things? It is very important to notice this if they do. When someone squint their eyes it is because they can’t see something very clear. It is often difficult to read something unless he or she squints their eyes when they need glasses or don’t wear their glasses. People often squint their eyes in order to pass eye tests to get their drivers license.
5.Does your child’s school think your child needs glasses? Some schools offer eye exams to the children. Teachers may notice other signs that a child might have vision problems. Pay attention if the teachers say anything about your child having vision problems. Vision problems only get worse over time if it isn’t taken care of by seeing a eye doctor.
If your child needs glasses then make sure that he or she picks out a pair of frames that they are comfortable with and that they like. Make sure to reassure them that wearing glasses is nothing to feel embarrassed about or anything. Explain to them that glasses will help them to be able to see things more clearly. It may take a while for your child to adjust to wearing glasses. Explain to your child that it may seem awkward at first since the floors and other objects tend to look weird when you get a new pair of glasses.