5 Tips for a Clutter Free Kitchen

The kitchen is a common area for where company may sit to chat and have some coffee. Your kitchen may also be the most cluttered room for no reason. First impressions are normally something people strive to keep positive, so in you haste for quick solutions it is easy to overlook these very effective solutions to everyday clutter trouble. Keep in mind that not all these will be easily implemented without a little work on your part, but realize that afterwards you will be able to keep up the job with less trouble.

1. Caddy: You can use this to put every day spices in as it serves as a neat and fast clean up. You can keep the caddy in a cabinet when it is not being used. The prices for caddies start at about $10.00.

2.Message Center: Instead of posting stick-its of things you need to do or buy you should invest in a dry erase board. You can simply write your stuff on the board and it will be out of the way because you can mount it on the inside of a cabinet. Also if you want, you should mount a little bin in there too so that you can store pens, paper, etc.

3.File Bin: I am sure that when you bring the main in or magazines that you just throw it on the kitchen counter. Clean the clutter and mount a file bin on the wall. Even if you do not want to mount it on the wall you can just get a file bin and store it on the counter. At least it will look a lot neater than the clutter.

4.Coffeemaker and microwave tucked away: Obviously you are not going to put them in cabinets, so you can either leave them on the counter tops or tuck them under the bottom of the cabinet.

5.Racks: You can hang up your most used pots and utensils. They are within easy reach. You do not want to hang up too many at a time though or else it will just look sloppy.

Each of these tips are mainly made for creating the appearance of a clutter free existence. Although these ideas will correct your current plight, keep in mind that continual upgrades will keep your kitchen in pristine condition. In addition to all these, try to avoid clinging to useless papers and magazines as most people tend to do. Realize their overall worth was achieved in their first use and as such don’t need to be saved for a lifetime. Take care and good luck! Remember I was right there with you and now I have no worries left in regards to my kitchen.

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